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Featured In The Oct. 5th Issue Of The Susquehanna County Transcript

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Old Rte. 11 Looks Good
SCSD To Consider Adding Soccer
Courthouse Report

Teaching Methods A Concern

Harford To Be Re-Addressed
Homeowners Can Get Heating Bill Help
Pennstar Collecting Katrina Donations

County Man Gets 6-15 Years

Old Rte. 11 Looks Good

Although Great Bend Township is still without a road crew, matters of roads were the subjects of some discussion at the board of supervisors meeting on September 19. The township has advertised for a road worker and received one application and a telephone call from another applicant.

In the meantime, chair Bob Squier reported that Old Route 11 south of Hallstead has been paved. The work was long in coming, and now the road makes for a smooth ride. Several residents have commented on what a good job was done. Berms were set, and now the new pavement is waiting for the line down its middle. Some milling work was done at the north end of Old Route 11 (Lovers Lane) from Route 11 to the railroad tracks. Squier commented that the other side of the railroad tracks is where the road really needs repair, but with no road crew, this will have to be put on hold.

That’s also what a resident who lives on the end of Pine Street was told. He requested that millings be put on the side of his road, which is eroding. The board would like to, but, again, it will have to wait. Another McHugh Hill Road resident cautioned that if ditches along the road were not cleaned out, and the area experiences another rain like September last, then the road will be out.

As supervisor Walt Galloway put it, “It’s very doubtful we could do anything this year without a work crew.” He noted that the township has some “very dire work” that will have to be a priority once there’s a person to do it. Supervisor George Haskins agreed. Haskins also reported that he’ll be going up to Syracuse at the end of the month to look at a used plow truck to determine if it’s worth a bid from the township. He said the truck has everything the township is looking for, but wanted to see the truck first-hand to assess any frame damage and any results of exposure to road salt.

Resident Sandra Kazinetz reported on the last meeting of the area watershed association, formally known as the Northern Susquehanna River Watershed Association and comprising residents of Hallstead, Great Bend and New Milford boroughs and Great Bend and New Milford townships. By-laws have been proposed and are being reviewed pro bono by a lawyer. The nonprofit Association was formed to seek federal, state and other funds or grants for the repair and maintenance of area streams.

A request for a driveway permit and a variance from the setback rule was received from a resident. Because the planned driveway would be close by two roads, the board was hesitant to approve both requests. Instead, Squier will take a look at where the proposed driveway would be sited. Should it pass his judgment, the board approved granting the variance as well as a driveway permit.

A supervisor will also follow up with a visit to the property of a resident who received a letter about cleaning it up, to determine what progress has been made since the letter was sent. Depending on Galloway’s report, another letter may be sent. If it’s not cleaned up, the letter will include a request to do so by the supervisors’ next meeting date; otherwise, papers would be filed with the magistrate.

In correspondence, a letter was received from a Hallstead resident who lives on Brewster Street, which adjoins a township street. The letter, addressed to the borough but on which the township was copied, stated that the township inadvertently tarred and chipped part of the Hallstead road (actually, PENNDOT did, on behalf of the township), with the result being a lot of chips – or stones – that she and neighbors have been moving from their lawns. The resident requested that Hallstead come and take the stones from the streets, and thought the township had to do its part to clean the upper part of it. The board duly noted the letter.

Galloway updated the board and few people in the audience on the rapid progress of the new township building. Heating installation was expected last week; the handicap-accessible bathrooms are done and have been approved by HUD; and the siding will be finished by next week. Electrical work was expected to have been completed last week.

During the public comment period that closes every meeting, a resident wanted to know if any follow-up was done on a discussion some time ago about putting speed limit signs on some township dirt roads. Nothing has, principally because a traffic study would have to be done first, and one is expensive.

The board was also asked if it heard anything more about the Foundry property. Galloway reported that Hallstead is handling it, and the last the board heard was that the borough is still looking for a landfill to take what’s left on the property.

The next meeting of the Great Bend Township board of supervisors is scheduled for October 3 at 7 p.m. in the township building.

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Elliot Ross presided over the September meeting of the Council of Governments that had much to report.

The first was the hire of Marty Broad who takes on responsibilities of perc text technician for the Sewage Committee, codes enforcement officer for the Codes Committee and as office assistant. Broad has already been out in the field and working out well.

PENNDOT representative Randy Decker was on hand to share information. He agreed with Ross, who is COG’s Street/Road Sign Committee, that Type 1 and Type 2 material to make signs can continue to be used until the current supply is used up. Once it is, new material, in line with federal guidelines, will have to be purchased.

Decker also alerted the group that new procedures would be forthcoming for setting up work zone safety. For townships that use paving, he noted that “you’ll all be using superpaving” – or what PENNDOT uses. Decker offered assistance to anyone who will need it, pointing out that there would be no noticeable change, including cost. Another change will be the use of a 9.5 fine mix for low-volume roads.

He also asked that municipal officers check their material, including oil, and if any of it is bad – whether in a stockpile or hauled in – to give him a call and he could collect the material for testing, as he recently did for one township, whose material failed the test.

Asked what happens if material fails, Decker replied that it was up to the municipality. PENNDOT won’t follow up with the material provider. He also reminded COG members to ask for a certificate of compliance when it comes to delivery of their cinders.

COG Planning Committee chair Dave Darrow reported on a recent meeting with Sandy Major, Tina Pickett and representatives of senators Madigan and Lemmon to discuss possible funding for a future site for a COG building. First, the elected state officials need to know what the group is definitely going to do before moving forward. Darrow said that Pickett pointed out that COG doesn’t qualify for low-interest (2 percent) loans from the state, and will look into it, because COG is a group of member municipalities and the state looks favorably on other such multi-municipality coalitions. Ross added that Picket will also research whether the individual municipalities that comprise COG could each ask for a low-interest loan, the proceeds of which would help fund a COG building.

One option being considered, said Darrow, is to purchase land and place a modular building on it. He has contacted New Milford Township to see if they would be willing to give COG some land for this purpose, and Darrow said two supervisors there didn’t seem to have a problem with giving the organization a couple of acres.

In new business, Ross announced a meeting on October 26, 7 p.m. at the Hallstead American Legion on New York Avenue about a regional police discussion. The idea for the meeting, said Ross, arose from discussion with a representative from DCED about things that COG could possibly do. With a lot of municipalities without police protection and with the State Police spread thinly, COG wants to know more about whether providing it, even if on a limited basis, would be appropriate to administer. Darrow added that the DCED representative would perform a six-month feasibility study for no charge.

There was little to report from the Sewage Enforcement Committee. Chair Harvey Rosenkrans noted that the group has heard nothing new on the Hawkins Homes decision that followed its appeal, and the Committee hasn’t heard from its solicitor about it, either. Sewage enforcement officers have been busy with plenty of subdivision work.

Ted Plevinsky, chair of the Codes Enforcement Committee, asked members to let him know if they hear any complaints. Codes secretary Karen Trynoski reported on a response she received from Jason Legg about recreational cabins. Basically, he didn’t think that following up to ensure that recreational use was something that was included in a deed was something that COG should do or should track.

There was considerable discussion about trailers that are brought on properties without permits or sewage permits. What should a municipality do, or what has one done, when this happens. They can’t be occupied. One member noted that one such trailer was in his municipality, and the owners then said it would be used for storage. However, when they were told to take out the plumbing and other materials of occupation, they didn’t want to do that.

Basically, it is up a municipality to decide what to do. Trynoski added that anytime a member sees water going into such a trailer, or spots sewage underneath one, to give COG a call and it can go in. One member pointed out that a municipality’s ordinance about trailers that were not wheel-ready had to be specific. Another wondered how a person could have a wheel-ready trailer on their property. Yet another said that his municipality’s ordinance noted that regardless if it’s a building or a trailer, it had to have sewage; if it didn’t, it was in violation. Other suggestions included running this scenario past solicitors, and seeing if COG could develop an ordinance to cover this situation and which its member municipalities could adopt if they so chose.

Trynoski reminded members that most of their old building permit ordinances are no longer valid with the advent of the new uniform construction code. She added that a property maintenance ordinance would need to be adopted, and, according to the UCC, a trailer has to be on a foundation.

The next regular meeting of the Council of Governments is scheduled for October 18 at 7 p.m. in the New Milford Borough Building on Main Street.

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SCSD To Consider Adding Soccer

James Bucci officiated at the September 21 meeting of the Susquehanna Community School District board meeting in the absence of Terry Carpenter; all other members were present, as well as a number of faculty and guests.

Superintendent Bronson Stone reported that through Title I grant funding, after-school homework/tutoring will be available for students in grades 4-6, as will PSSA preparation for students in grades 3-6. The Strategic Plan committee met earlier that evening and are in the process of finalizing a draft plan, which will include a mission statement and a belief statement; the draft is expected to be ready for the board’s review by their next meeting.

Various committees have been or are being formed to address specific areas. The district continues to offer Parents’ Academies; funded through a grant, informational sessions are held to help parents learn new technology. Mr. Stone reported that five parents attended the last class.

The library has been awarded a $5,000 grant, to expand its collection of books.

A Smart Music software program is being used by the music department; Teresa Marino demonstrated how it can be used. It not only allows students to access books used in class from home, it provides accompaniment and various exercises, and assessments of the students’ playing, which can be emailed to his/her teacher. Students can record themselves and convert their playing to a CD, and the program provides a practice record which can also be emailed to their teacher.

The music boosters purchased a new digital keyboard for use in the classroom.

The elementary’s open house was very well attended, with 83% of students represented. Students and staff in the elementary building collected over $900, to be donated to the Katrina relief efforts.

The Education Association will be sponsoring prizes for the scarecrow contest that students will be participating in, in conjunction with the Pumpkin Fest in October, and has donated $250 towards Kaitlin Flor’s trip to Washington, DC for a law forum.

A new software program has been obtained for the Special Ed. department, which not only has improved the look of IEP reports, but also allows secure messages to be sent to Barnes-Kasson Hospital’s occupational and physical therapy personnel. The transition council will be meeting in October, with six or seven seniors set to participate; various local agencies will be assisting in assessing these students’ post secondary needs.

Six members of the Susquehanna Youth Soccer League requested that the board consider adding soccer as an extracurricular activity. The league presently has 152 youths in their program, up from 119 last year. The league has players up to the age of fourteen enrolled, but once they reach that age there is nowhere for them to play. The football field would be an appropriate place for play, and the league would be willing to donate the goals and nets that would be needed, which cost approximately $3,000 or more. If there are not enough students for separate teams, soccer can be coed. SCSD is the only district in the area without a soccer program at this time. The board agreed to discuss it further and see what could be worked out.

The board approved the following:

- Substitute Personnel for the 2005/2006 school year.

- Transportation Contracts for the 2005/2006 school year, which include allowances for increases in fuel prices.

- Transportation Drivers for the 2005/2006 school year.

- The AlertNow Program (Rapid Notification System) for the 2005/2006 school year, through which notification can be sent through a service provider when there is an early dismissal for non-weather emergency closures. A “phone chain” is also being set up for notification of weather-related closures.

- The following school policy revisions/additions: Activity/Athletic Account System Procedures; Family and Medical Leave Act Policy;  School Bus Contractor/Driver Policy.

- Resignations from Joseph Zabielski – Secondary Math and Math Department Head;  Kristen Stanford – Elementary Teacher Aide;  Roland Salamon – Boys Jr. High Assistant Basketball Coach;  David Lee – Boys Jr. High Basketball Coach.

- Hiring of Wendy Baker,  Food Service Dept. and Sarah Krause, Elementary Teacher Aide.

- Homebound Instruction: for two students, one in eleventh grade and one in tenth.

- A Leave of Absence with intent to retire for  Audrey Sullivan, effective immediately.

- A Leave of Absence, October 17 – December 22, 2005, for Tammy Stone.

- Volunteer  Melissa Warring, Wrestling Weightlifting.

-  Late School Per Capita Tax Exonerations.

The customary lists of activities and fundraising requests were also approved.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 19, 7:30 p.m. in the administration offices in the elementary building.

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Courthouse Report

MK Borkland (family trust by trustee) to Thomas L. Basheer, 240 Harrison Ave., Jersey City, NJ, and Stephanie Fraser, in Bridgewater Township for $165,000.

Frances Skube (estate) to Edward and Lisa Horgan, 126 Dundaff Street, Forest City, in Forest City for $67,840.

Stephen and Louise Guszick to Frank R. Jr. and Michelle M. Puglia, 33Walnut Ave., Patchogue, NY, in Ararat Township for one dollar.

Frank R. Jr. and Michelle Puglia to Stephen and Louise Guszick, 410 Spangenberg, Lake Ariel, in Ararat Township for one dollar.

Miles E. and Carolyn L. Krause to Miles E. Krause Jr., 251 Main St., New Milford and Koni Worth, in New Milford Borough for $80,000.

Leslie Edwards III (estate) to Chad M. Stone, RR2, New Milford and Lisa M. Bajkowski, in New Milford Township for $65,000.

Robert E. Kinney, Sharon L. Thomas to Donald and Debra Gabriel, RR1, Hop Bottom, in Hop Bottom Borough for $2,000.

David Rumage Sr. and Diana Rumage to David Rumage Sr., RR1, Springville, in Springville Township for one dollar.

Gail Warner to Daniel S. and Gretchen M. Warner, in Jessup Township for $65,000.

Samuel R. Clapper (estate) to Samantha Clapper, RR2, Susquehanna, in Lanesboro Borough for one dollar.

Parley and Elnor M. VanBuskirk to Jeffrey and Karen Kumba, 4 Avenue D, Monroe Township, NJ, in Franklin Township for one dollar.

Joseph P. and Patricia Narciso to Ogden Moss III, St Rt 2015, Kingsley, in Bridgewater Township for $22,500.

Antonio Monteiro and Vera Monteiro (by attorney) to Norbert J. and Pamela C. McGettigan, 224 Quakerbridge St., Morristown, NJ, in Clifford Township for $401,154.

Keris L. Smith and Michael D. Rosen to Keris L. Smith, RR1, Montrose, and Shannon Rafferty, in Bridgewater Township for one dollar.

Sophia Turoski (estate) aka Sophie Turoski (estate) aka Sophie R. Turoski to Robert M. Jenkinson, RR2, Brackney and Linda J. Lawrence, in Silver Lake Township for $6,000.

Leon B. Whitney and Linda D. Whitney to Raymond J. and Linda K. Lee, RR2, Thompson , in Thompson Township for $97,000.

Steven Edward Geiger and Lynne Iijima to Bonnie J. Penambere, RR2, Union Dale, in Union Dale Borough for $65,000.

Kurt F. and Kimberly E. Frey to LawrenceM. Grasso (revocable living trust) Vero Beach, FL, in Silver Lake Township for $10,000.

Lawrence M. Grasso (trust by trustee) to Florence M. Simons, RR3, Montrose, in Franklin Township for $3,200.

Lawrence M. Grasso, (trust by trustee) to Kurt A. and Amanda J. Frey, RR1, Brackney, in Franklin Township for $80,000.

Robert H. and Mae Moules to Peter J. and Donna K. Waldenberger, RR4, Montrose, in Dimock Township for $200,000.

Thomas and Debra Pekarski to Valance J. Miller, 182 Dundaff Street, in Forest City for $158,500.

Edward Florey to Billie Jo Opet, 8 Fourth Street, Hallstead, in Hallstead Borough for $80,136.

Henry J. Carter to Peter J. Kase, 615 Higgins St., Forest City, in Forest City for $65,000.

Thomas H. Rhoads (estate) aka Thomas H. Rhoads Sr. (estate), Cathy L. Monroe to Thomas H. Rhoads, 414 Hoover Ave., Lower Gwyneed, PA, in Brooklyn Township for one dollar.

Duane R. Powers, Jeanne B. Powers to Randy Powers, Zephyrhills, FL, in Forest Lake Township for one dollar.

Manzek Land Co. to Robert J. Torgersen, Easton, PA, in Rush Township for $47,900.

Shirley Frey (nbm) Shirley Norton, Julius C. Norton, Kurt A. Frey, Amanda J. Frey, to Lawrence M. Grasso (revocable living trust), Vero Beach, FL, in Silver Lake Township for $12,000.

John Robert Severs Jr., Melissa Severs, John Robert Severs, Beverly Severs, to John Robert and Beverly A. Severs, Little Egg Harbor,NJ, in Auburn Township for one dollar.

Charlene A. Ayres, Charlene A. Ayres (living trust) to Leonard A. and Wendy B. Norville, RR4, Montrose, in Bridgewater Township for $24,000.

Ann M. Polesnak to Amy Polesnak, 258 Delaware Street, Forest City, in Forest City for one dollar.

Eugene A. and Mary Kovaleski to Jonathan M. Stewar, RR1, Carbondale, in Clifford Township for $15,000.

Lee and Gwenda Weidow to Joseph P. and Jennifer Coffaro, RR1, South Gibson. in Gibson Township for $115,000.

Margaret Coleman to Allen Daniel, RR4, Montrose, in Rush Township for one dollar.

Margaret Robinson nbm Margaret Stine, George Stine, to Margaret Stine, Hop Bottom, in Lathrop Township for one dollar.

Alberta R. Miller to Alberta R. Miller (trust) , RR1, Union Dale, in Clifford Township for one dollar.

Alberta R. Miller to Alberta R. Miller (trust), RR1, Union Dale, in Clifford Township for one dollar.

Sandra Overfield, Donald Overfield, Ronald G. Decker, Brenda J. Decker, Ward H. Decker, Linda S. Decker, Bernice M. Decker (by attorney), Patricia Franks, Davis Franks to Randall J. Dotterer and Daniel J. McCormick, 206 Moser Road, Pottstown, in Rush Township for $70,000.

Thomas E. Gogolen Jr. to Theresa E. Gogolen, 103 Burnt Meadown Road, Ringwood, NJ, in Clifford Township for one dollar.

Deborah Adams Kutch, Christian P. Kutch to John J. and Jeanne Gillen, RR 1, Carbondale, in Clifford Township for $175,000.

Lois A. Latta to Lois A. Latta, 9 Barton Lane, Hopatcong, NY, Kim Latta Fialcowitz, Robert Fialcowitz, in New Milford Township for one dollar.

Eleanor L. Andrejko (trust by attorney) to Marianna Geco, RR1, Susquehanna, in Jackson Township for $117,500.

Kenneth A. Tinklepaugh and Doreen I. Storr-Tinklepaugh, to Robert L. Perry Jr. and Irene Perry, 25 Lafayette Dr., Hazlet, NJ, in Oakland Township for $90,000.

Allen and Violet Strawn to Brian L. Beers and Audra K. Beers, RR3, Greentown, in Hallstead Borough for $158,894.

Thomas R. and Pauline A. Williams to Judy Pendle, 369 Main St., Tullytown, in Clifford Township for one dollar.

Barbara Ann Hefferan to Joann Kowalski, Montrose, in Montrose for $150,000.

Robert Gerald and Gloria Rogers to Robert Gerald Rogers, RR3, Meshoppen, Gloria Rogers and Angela Bush, in Rush Township for one dollar.

Trehab Center Inc. to Todd B. Baker, 26 Prospect St., Susquehanna, in Oakland Borough for $76,320.

Brown Living Trust (by trustee) to Robert T. and Heather Lynn Gregory, 12 Bank St., Montrose, in Bridgewater Township for $22,500.

M. K. Johnston aka Mary Katherine Johnston, Nicholas A. Shursky to Chris Caffaro, 6 Ridgewood South, Clifford, in Clifford Township for $186,500.

Thomas T. and Kay B. Debski to Agnes Skeba, 25 Wykoff Mill Road, Monroe Township, NJ, in Thompson Borough for $70,000.

James J. and Carol Ann Pettinato to Chris D. and Jane Ellen Marcho, Clifford, in Clifford Township for $33,000.

Walter J. and Glenda E. Bridges to Sheryl Houser, 320 Chestnut Lane, Vestal, NY, and Ardith Griffing, in Little Meadows Borough for one dollar.

Donald C. Bliss to John Lazar, RR2, Hallstead, in Franklin Township for $160,000.


William L. Lawrence and Kristen A.Yakamavich, both of Susquehanna.

Brian S. Harper and Nikki A. Barnes, both of Salisbury Center, NY.

Gerhardt D. Pederson and Kathy L. Bird, both of Montrose.


Ronald C. Olson vs. Annette L. Olson, both of Friendsville.

William T. Chance, Monrose vs. Susan D. Chance, RR7, Montrose.

Barbara S. Thomas, Brooklyn vs. Roger G. Thomas, Kingsley.

Jennifer Lyn Smith of New Milford –VS–. Jeffrey Hauter Smith, Harford.

Randy Duane Powers Jr., Meshoppen vs. Tina Powers, South Montrose

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The following corrections are in regard to the September 14 County Transcript article, “Montrose Boro To Address,” by Darlene Kostelac.

1. Ken DiPhillips, Street Foreman, has obtained through a grant, with the Northern Tier Coalition, for a leaf vacuum and collection box for recycling leaves.

2. They do not and cannot burn leaves in the Borough of Montrose. It is against Ordinance.

3. There was no motion made as to opting out of Northern Tier Coalition.

4. The Borough of Montrose is not creating a dump. They are cleaning up a closed landfill. DEP has told them to, because the creek has rerouted itself into the side of the bank and debris is falling into the creek. This cleanup started September 26.

Additional information left out:

1. Ken DiPhillips is working with the Northern Tier Coalition on an approved site for the recycling program.

2. Jack Yeager will contact the Northern Tier Coalition about joining and cost.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

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Teaching Methods A Concern

The Elk Lake School board had a special meeting September 12 to approve new hires. The minutes were approved at the regular board held September 19. The meting began a half hour late due to executive session. The issue of transportation contracts which drew in a large crowd was tabled. This will be discussed at the October 17th meeting. The drivers want a fuel cost adjustment to offset the inflated gas prices.

The results of the third grade PSSA are in. According to Superintendent Bush, “math and reading passed state averages.” Scores will be available shortly for the parents and public.

A brief discussion occurred regarding the WAN Project which aims to bring improved internet connections into the school system. Larger data bases or libraries are expected to be shared with hospitals and colleges. The increased speed and capabilities will enhance the student’s education.

Five more radios were purchased for use on the buses. A final payment of $2340 was disbursed.

Janet Saravits had numerous questions regarding the handling of parent-teacher relations. Saravits explained that the Parent Teacher conferences are 7 days before the end of the marking period and afford no time to allow to correct poor grades or make up work. Further she explains that students expend too much time taking notes in class and are not able to just listen and learn. Emphasis is placed on the quality of note taking and graded instead of emphasizing the material. Quizzes and tests need to be returned immediately to students so they can study from them for future tests. Finally Saravits wondered why so many students do not know their basic multiplication tables. She concluded by inquiring if teachers are capable of truly educating the children. Other parents and board members agreed and said when they were in school, quizzes and tests were returned – often with red ink – which they used to focus further study and improve learning.

Another parent who has fostered 70 children complained that the ninth grade teachers are packing the weekends with too much homework. Further that assignments are given and due often on the same day. He inquired if any planning is done by teachers to level out the work and decrease the amount.

Following a twenty minute executive session the board met returning to announce a pay adjustment. Also the hiring of Al Kanes was approved by an unusual 5-4 vote.

The Board met for the Career and Tech. Center. The main discussion was whether to proceed with grant writing for proposed auto body shop equipment. The grant will be written and forwarded. However this does not obligate the board to actually build an auto body shop. If support is not given to this undertaking the school can refuse to accept the grant if awarded. Alice Davis, C/T Director noted that the grant is a Labor and Industry matching grant for $200,000. The title is a Job Training Fund Equipment Grant.

The final bill for well drilling at the house being built by students was approved for $8916.35. This well was drilled to 525 feet. The house is expected to be completed and sold in the Spring of 2006.

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Harford To Be Re-Addressed

According to Supervisor Sue Furney, there are "more road names than miles" in Harford Township.

That statistic may not change, but some of the names probably will, as a result of an ordinance passed at the Harford Township Supervisors' meeting on September 17. The ordinance implements a county resolution that will give new addresses to virtually all places in the township. An early part of the process will be to examine every road and determine if their names are consistent and useful for the primary purpose of the scheme: to improve 911 emergency service.

There are so many road names because so many of the roads in Harford are short, often less than a mile long. Appleman Ridge Road, for example, is less than 8 tenths of a mile long; it's name alone is almost as long as the road.

The Supervisors may begin with North/South Harmony road, a situation that is confusing even now. One suggestion is to rename what is now signed North Harmony, to Wilmarth Road. Other roads are spelled differently on each end (Stephens Rd. and Stevens Rd.). Some roads cross municipal boundaries, where they may or may not change names.

Once the roads are renamed, an address will be assigned to each 5.28 feet. The address closest to a house will become its official address, which will have to be posted prominently. The Postal Service is also part of this program, so mail will be addressable to number and street; rural route numbers may become a thing of the past, like twice-a-day delivery.

The Odd Fellows Hall in the center of Harford village will probably be standing long enough to get its own address on Main Street, or Market Street? The process of clearing the deed to the property so that the township can do something with it is progressing at a snail's pace. The township's solicitor is now preparing papers to file for a quit-claim deed. Supervisor Terry VanGorden told the meeting that the Fire Company's attorney is still researching the issue. (The Fire Company sold the property to the township in the 1970's for one dollar, and inserted the deed restrictions that are now obstructing the "disposition" of the building.) Mr. VanGorden said that the Fire Company's lawyer is "looking out to protect the Fire Company."

Mr. VanGorden himself has been reluctant to take an open position on the issue because he has been recently accused, as a member of the Fire Company Board of Directors, of representing a "special interest" on the Board of Supervisors. Ms. Furney said that the Fire Company can hardly be considered a "special interest;" it's "a vital part of our community," she said.

Harford has been notified by the county Planning Commission that it can't join a "multi-municipal" planning process along the I-81 corridor because New Milford Township has rejected participation and the plan has to cover a contiguous area. The idea was to bring together the boroughs of Great Bend, Hallstead and New Milford, and the townships of Great Bend, New Milford and Harford in a collaborative process to create a development plan for the area. Aside from New Milford's outright rejection, there is a stunning lack of enthusiasm for the notion, and Harford's Supervisors took the announcement calmly.

After all, a township's primary responsibility is roads, and Harford Roadmaster George Sansky's report was all positive. He declared work on the township's roads largely done for the year. "They're in really good shape," he said. Nearly 8,000 tons of material scraped from the Interstate was put on Harford roads, and Mr. Sansky is delighted with the result. And, with the second Mac truck nearing completion, he said this may be the first winter in a long time that Harford has had "plenty of equipment" in shape going in.

The next meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors will take place on Saturday, October 1, beginning at 10:00 a.m., in the township building office on Route 547.

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Homeowners Can Get Heating Bill Help

HARRISBURG - Rep. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/ Sullivan/ Susquehanna) would like to remind residents who may be struggling with soaring home-heating costs this winter that they can apply for Pennsylvania's Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) beginning on Nov. 7.

LIHEAP, which is funded by the federal government and administered by the state Department of Public Welfare (DPW), helps low-income households pay their heating bills and provides assistance to individuals in danger of losing heat due to emergency situations.

The 2005-06 program will open on Nov. 7 and eligible residents can continue submitting applications through March 23, 2006, or until funding is depleted.

Households with an annual income of up to 135 percent of the federal poverty level qualify. People need not have unpaid bills to receive energy assistance, and they can receive this money without being on welfare.

If a person is eligible for LIHEAP, a payment will be sent directly to the utility or fuel dealer, and the payment credited to the person's bill. Additional money is available to individuals if they have an emergency situation and are in jeopardy of losing their heat. Grants are based on family size, income, type of heating fuel and heating regions.

For more information, contact your County Assistance Office. In Susquehanna County, call (570) 278–3891 or call the toll-free LIHEAP hotline at 1-866-857-7095 (individuals with hearing impairments may call the TDD number at 1-800-451-5886).

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Pennstar Collecting Katrina Donations

SCRANTON – Pennstar Bank offices are currently collecting donations from their customers and the general public to help Gulf Coast residents affected by Hurricane Katrina. The donations will be given to the American Red Cross to aid its efforts in providing emergency shelter, food, water, clothing, counseling and other assistance.

“Hurricane Katrina has severely disrupted the lives of thousands of Americans,” said David Raven, Pennstar Bank president and chief executive officer. “The money we raise will help the Red Cross respond to this unprecedented natural disaster.”

Donations can be made by cash or check through any of the bank’s tellers. Contributors’ canceled checks will serve as their receipts; tellers will immediately convert cash donations into money orders and provide these customers with copies of the money orders for their records.

Pennstar Bank, headquartered in downtown Scranton, is a locally managed community bank with 39 branches covering six counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

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County Man Gets 6-15 Years

A Susquehanna County man was sentenced last Thursday to serve six years to 15 years in a state correctional facility on a rape charge.

Merle George Jennings, 53, of Montrose pleaded guilty to having sexual intercourse with a girl who was 13 years old when the incident occurred on July 15, 2004 in Lenox Township. Susquehanna County President Judge Kenneth W. Seamans also sentenced Mr. Jennings to serve one to five years in a state correctional facility for indecent assault on a 10-year-old girl on August 8, 2004. The jail terms are to run concurrent.

In addition, Judge Seamans fined Mr. Jennings a total of $3,000 and ordered him to pay $500 for DNA testing fees. The defendant was told not to have any contact with minor females under the age of 18 and to attend counseling for sexual abusers.

Other sentences handed down by Judge Seamans last week included:

Duane C. Holbrook, 43, of Montrose, six months to 23 1/2 months in the county jail for drunk driving in Silver Lake Township on October 30, 2004. He was also fined $1,500 and must attend and pass alcohol highway safe driving school.

Marvin J. Brotzman, 23, of Montrose, 10 months to 23 1/2 months in the county jail, $750 fine and 50 hours of community service for escape in Bridgewater Township on May 9, 2005.

Kevin M. Baker, 27, of Meshoppen, 30 days to six months in the county jail, $750 fine, attend and pass alcohol highway safe driving school, for drunk driving in Dimock Township on August 14, 2004.

Dale John Ross, 40, of Thompson, six months state probation, $300 fine, 25 hours community service, attend and pass alcohol highway safe driving school, for drunk driving in Susquehanna on December 12, 2004; one to 15 months in the county jail with credit for time served, $500 fine for drunk driving on February 4, 2005 in Ararat Township; and, three days to six months in the county jail and $1,000 fine for drunk driving on March 19, 2005.

Jason McCarey, 23, of Nicholson, 11 months to 23 months at Serenity Lodge, $750 fine, for corruption of minors in Montrose on September 4, 2004.

Thomas O'Brien, 45, of Carbondale, six months state probation and $300 fine for drunk driving in Herrick Township on January 13, 2005.

Michael Allen Robbs, 37, of Susquehanna, 30 days to six months in the county jail, $750 fine, attend and pass highway safe driving school, for drunk driving on October 16, 2004 in Susquehanna; one to two years in the county jail followed by 18 months probation, $2,500 fine, attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, 50 hours community service, for drunk driving in Harmony Township on April 24, 2005.

Sean Christopher Halesky, 36, of Binghamton, NY, three months to 15 months in the county jail, 15 months state probation, $400 fine, for theft by unlawful taking in Thompson Borough on August 27, 2004.

Adrian T. Rizner, 20, of Thompson, three years state probation, $500 fine for theft by unlawful taking in Forest City on March 15, 2004; 36 months state probation, to run concurrent with first sentence, $500 fine for complicity/receiving stolen property in Forest City on March 15, 2004; 36 months state probation, concurrent, for theft by unlawful taking in Forest City on May 4, 2004; one year state probation, concurrent, for simple assault in Forest City on November 2, 2004.

Jeremy I. Edwards, 24, of Scranton, one month to 12 months in county jail, $500 fine for fleeing or attempting to elude police officer in Clifford Township on March 5, 2005; 48 hours to six months, concurrent, in county jail, $500 fine, attend and pass alcohol highway safe driving school, for drunk driving in Clifford Twp. on March 5, 2005.

Michael Conklin, 27, of Susquehanna, five days to six months in county jail, on weekends, $300 fine, attend and pass alcohol highway driving school, for drunk driving in Susquehanna on January 15, 2005.

Lucas Harley Davidson, 20, of Tunkhannock, five months to 15 months in county jail, suspended, 15 months probation, $500 fine, 50 hours community service, for theft by unlawful taking in Auburn Township on June 9, 2004.

Jodi Wagner, 20, of Forest City, two months to 15 months in county jail, suspended, 15 months state probation, $300 fine, for corruption of minors in Forest City on October 16, 2004.

Jeffrey David Hilkert, 18, of Susquehanna, six months state probation, $300 fine, restitution, for accidents involving damage to attended vehicle or property, in Susquehanna on October 27, 2004.

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