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Senior Menu

Salt Springs Celebration
Salt Springs Reception
Madigan To Hold Local Outreaches
Free CHIP ID Program Offered
AARP Safe Driver Course Offered
Kids’ Programs At N. Wayne Library
Open House At Susky High School

Dairy Princess Says “Come to the Fair”
New Milford Rotary Annual Park Sale
St. Paul’s Celebrates 175th Anniversary
Craft Fair, Bazaar At Thompson UMC
Medicare Prescription Coverage Meetings
Old Mill Village Old Time Music
Annual Craft Fair, Bazaar In Thompson


August 23

WING NIGHT, Tuesday, August 23, 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome.

August 24

SPAGHETTI DINNER, Wednesday, August 24, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome.

?GOOD TUNZ DJ PRODUCTIONS, Every Friday at P.J.’s.

August 26

DINNER/SALAD BAR, Friday, August 26, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome.

August 27

ROAST BEEF SUPPER, Saturday, August 27, 5:00 p.m. at the Thompson United Methodist Church. All are welcome.

August 28

WEINER & CORN ROAST, Sunday, August 28, 5 p.m. until dark at the Fairdale Park. Bring chairs. Music provided, bring instruments and jam around the campfire. Sponsored by the Fairdale Grange. All are welcome.

August 30

WING NIGHT, Tuesday, August 30, 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome.

September 1

BOUNTIFUL BUTTERFLIES program, Thursday, September 1, 10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. at Salt Springs Park. Especially for kids 3-4 years old and their caretaker. Pre-registration required, call 967–7275.

September 2

ARTIST IN RESIDENCE program with photographer Renee Coy, Friday, September 2, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Salt Springs Park. Refreshments, photograph display of Salt Springs. All are welcome.

September 2 – 4

BLUEGRASS ROUNDUP, September 2 through 4 at the Wrench Wranch, Coventryville, NY. For info call (607) 639–1141.

September 3

ANNUAL SALT SPRINGS celebration, Saturday, September 3, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the park. Family day, featuring food, dancing, music, animals, nature walks, history display, kids’ activities. All are welcome.

PANCAKE & SAUSAGE BREAKFAST, Saturday, September 3, 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. at East Ararat United Methodist Church. All are welcome.

September 4

ANTIQUE TRUCK SHOW & FLEA MARKET, Sunday, September 4, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Harford Fairgrounds. Slow truck race at 1:30 p.m. All trucks welcome. Sponsored by the NE PA Chapter, Antique Truck Club of America. All are welcome.

September 5

ANTHRACITE HERITAGE Museum will be open Monday, September 5, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission. All are welcome.

BULL ROAST, Monday, September 5, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Waverly United Methodist Church. Admission. All are welcome.

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Senior Menu August 29 – September 2

Monday, August 29: sloppy Joe, macaroni salad, broccoli, hamburger bun, apricots.

Tuesday, August 30: seasoned pork chop, mashed potato, corn, grape juice, seeded rye bread, graham cracker, applesauce.

Wednesday, August 31: Italian sausage, home-style baked beans, hot dog bun, chewy granola bar, pears.

Thursday, September 1: chicken casserole, French style green beans, cranberry juice, honey wheat bread, cherry pie, cherries.

Friday, September 2: macaroni and cheese, baby carrots, three-bean salad, whole wheat bread, fresh orange.

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Salt Springs Celebration

The third annual Salt Springs Celebration will be held Saturday, September 3, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the park. This day is also the biggest fund raiser of the year for the Friends and supports educational programs.

Highlights this year include an exhibition of original photographs by Artist-in-Residence Renee Coy, Native American storytelling inside an authentic tipi, an expanded schedule of performances by local artists and musicians, and an expanded offering of children's activities – including a treasure hunt, paper making, stream searching, petting zoo, and pony rides.

At the silent auction, you can bid on unique items donated by local businesses, artists, and members. In the Friends' new shop, you can purchase a Salt Springs Park t-shirt, a walking stick, or one of the many beautiful notecards featuring photographs by local artist George Schreck. Visit the llamas, indulge in some homemade desserts, walk through the gorge and see the waterfalls, and have a wonderful day among Friends.

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Salt Springs Reception

The public is invited to a reception for the Friends of Salt Springs' Specialist-in Residence, photographer Renee Coy. The reception will be held at the Wheaton House at Salt Springs Park on Friday, September 2, from 7 to 9 p.m. The evening will include refreshments and a "gallery talk" by the artist at 7:45 p.m.

Renee will be exhibiting about 25 of her new photographs, taken at Salt Springs during the past year.

Renee is a life-long resident of Susquehanna County. She is a recent graduate of Marywood College in Scranton and looks forward to sharing her personal views of the park.

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Madigan To Hold Local Outreaches

Harrisburg – State Sen. Roger A. Madigan (R-23) will host outreach events in August to give Susquehanna County residents a chance to ask questions or discuss issues concerning state government.

“Constituents are invited to stop by and discuss any problems or questions they might have about state issues or state programs,” Madigan said.

The Senator stated that a staff member will be available to speak with constituents on August 12 and August 26, from 11 a.m. until 12 p.m. at the Susquehanna County Office Annex, 31 Public Avenue, Montrose and from 2 p.m. until 3 p.m., at the Great Bend-Hallstead Public Library, 201 Franklin Street, Hallstead.

No appointment is necessary.

The senator added that constituents who are unable to attend but would like to speak with him or a staff member should feel free to call either of his district offices, located at One Progress Plaza, Suite 13, Towanda, telephone (570) 265–7448, and 330 Pine St., Suite 200, Williamsport, telephone 1-800-443-5772.

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Free CHIP ID Program Offered

Parents and guardians are invited to bring their children to the FREE Masonic Child Identification Program (CHIP), during the Harford Fair, August 22-27, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Fair Hill Road, Harford.

Run by The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for Children in partnership with the Crime Prevention Association of Pennsylvania, the Masonic CHIP Program gives law enforcement and recovery officials the necessary materials to find missing children, while giving parents peace of mind. All items generated during a CHIP event are given to the child's family.

The CHIP program includes the following:

CD Video: A digital video is recorded in front of a height chart backdrop. The CHIP interview captures a child's appearance, speech, mannerisms and other personal characteristics. The CD can quickly be distributed to the media to reach a large audience.

Fingerprints: Children's fingerprints are taken in the traditional manner, using inkless print pads (safe for children), to provide clear and readable prints.

DNA: A DNA kit is provided to the parent or guardian to be completed at home as soon as possible. The DNA kit includes envelopes for hair samples, nail clippings and oral swab for saliva sample.

In 2004, almost 100,000 children were CHIP'd. The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for Children has commitments to ID up to 150,000 youth in Pennsylvania in 2005. The program is provided free as a result of generous public and private donations.

Anyone may initiate a CHIP event; however, all coordination of events is through the Masons of Pennsylvania, and all events are sponsored by the Grand Lodge or by a local Masonic lodge. Individuals who would like to initiate a CHIP event may call the CHIP Project Director at (215) 988-1978 or (800) 537-6525.

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AARP Safe Driver Course Offered

An AARP Safe Driver course will be offered on September 19 and 20, 1:00 to 5:00 at the Montrose Senior Center, Montrose, PA.

RSVP to Bill or Helen Wagner at (570) 465–7375.

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Kids’ Programs At N. Wayne Library

The Northern Wayne Community Library is pleased to announce that Art Classes For Kids will be held in July and the Summer Reading Program, entitled Dragons, Dreams and Daring Deeds, will take place in August.

There is no cost for participation in these programs, but children must be registered with the library. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please call 798–2444 to register your child.

Art Classes will be held on three consecutive days, Tuesday, July 19; Wednesday, July 20; and Thursday, July 21. Times vary according to grade level: 10:00-11:15 a.m. for K, 1, 2; 11:45-1:00 p.m. for grades 3, 4, 5; and 1:30-2:45 for students in grade 6 and above. Come out to the classes and see if you can get some of your artwork entered in the Harford Fair.

Summer Reading Program will take place every Friday in the month of August from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The dates are August 5, August 12, August 19, August 26.

Kids ages 4 through 12 years are invited to come out for lots of fun reading activities, including games and crafts. Children may attend for one of the Fridays, or all four, but don’t miss the kickoff in August 5; there may be a real dragon visiting!

All programs will be held at the library on Route 370 in Lakewood, next to the Preston School.

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Open House At Susky High School

On Thursday evening, August 25, from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., Susquehanna Community High School will have an open house for all incoming seventh grade students and their parents.

At this time seventh grade students will receive a copy of their schedule for the 2005-2006 school year and locker combinations.

Parents and students will be introduced to various student activities for the year including an over view of schedule information, student handbooks, homework policy, grading and class requirements.

Students and parents are asked to meet in the auditorium at 5:00 p.m.

Students will be able to tour the school before leaving to locate classrooms and their lockers.

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Dairy Princess Says “Come to the Fair”

Greetings everyone! It’s me, Amanda Miner, Susquehanna County Dairy Princess inviting all of you to join me and my dairy court at the 148th Harford Fair, August 22 through 27. Each day I will be promoting the dairy industry in one way or another, with the help of my Dairy Ambassadors and Dairy Maid.

Besides the usual handing out of ribbons at the dairy shows I have a few other activities I hope get your attention. There will be a daily dairy question you can take a guess at and possibly win a prize. This activity will be located in the dairy barn where my family and I will have our cows. I will have easy questions for kids and harder ones for adults. Another daily feature will be a coloring/drawing contest for kids in the 4-H building. Winners of both of these contests will be announced at about 4:00, Monday through Friday.

During the week I will be handing out balloons, visiting the “Farmer for a Day” exhibit and serving milk at the Farm Bureau booth. You will also find me, along with my Court in the 4-H building serving root beer floats. If you stop at a dairy show on Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday the Dairy Court will be handing out ribbons. Thursday you will find me at the 4-H Kiddy Tractor Pull, located in the main Arena in the morning and in the afternoon I will be handing out awards at the Animal Costume Contest in the Dairy Arena. Friday evening at 6:00 come to the Dairy Showmanship Contest to watch or participate. I’ll be there handing out ribbons to all the participant in the Contest. Saturday afternoon I will wind things up at the 4-H Livestock Sale where I will help promote the auctioning of a gallon of milk from the 4-H Grand Champion Holstein and the 4-H Grand Champion colored breed animals.

The Harford Fair is an event I look forward to each year and this year as Dairy Princess I’m looking forward to the Fair even more. I hope to see many of you there and hope you stop and say hello.

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New Milford Rotary Annual Park Sale

The New Milford Area Rotary will hold its annual Park Sale on August 27, at the New Milford town park. The sale will consist of new and used items as well as baked goods and will start at 8 a.m.

For donations and pickup of usable items, contact (570) 278–2367. All funds raised will be used to support local Rotary projects.

Rain date will be August 28.

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St. Paul’s Celebrates 175th Anniversary

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Montrose will celebrate its 175th year at a 9:00 a.m. service on August 28, 2005. The service will be held in St. Paul’s Memorial Garden, adjacent to the Church. St. Paul’s Rector, the Rev. Elizabeth Moulton extends a special invitation to the entire community, and all baptized Christians are invited to participate in the Eucharist.

The celebration of St. Paul’s 175th anniversary will continue in the Memorial Garden from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Joe Welden, Jack Moulton, Scott Zimmerman and the Mountain Aire Brass will provide music while ice cream and cake are served. Exhibits representing St. Paul’s ministry will be on display.

St. Paul’s was chartered in 1830 largely through the efforts of Joshua Raynsford and his wife, who had joined the Episcopal Church in 1828.

The first Rector of St. Paul’s was the Rev. Samuel Marks who was also Rector of St. Matthew’s in Stevensville, St. Mark’s in New Milford and St. Jude’s in Springville. Mr. Marks’ saddlebags - heavily used – are on display in the museum of the Susquehanna County Historical Society on Monument Square. The Rev. Mr. Marks’ stipend ($150 per year) was provided, initially, by the Society for the Propagation of Christianity in Pennsylvania which, incidentally, still exists and is still very active.

The first Episcopal services in Montrose were held in the old courthouse. St. Paul’s first church building, on the corner of Church and Chestnut Streets was constructed in 1832, funded by local contributions and by generous donations from interested parties in Philadelphia. The church exterior was modeled after St. Mark’s in New Milford. The first service in the new church was held on Christmas Eve, 1824. The church was decorated with greens for the occasion and, according to (The Rev. Miss) Margaret Merrell in her “A History of St. Paul’s Parish”, this was “apparently peculiar to the Episcopalians”. By the 1850’s the congregation had outgrown the original building, and the present building, designed by New York architect Richard Upjohn was consecrated in 1857.

The Rev. Edward Augustus Warriner served as Rector of St. Paul’s for nearly 40 years, beginning in 1868. The Rev. Mr. Warriner was extremely popular, and in 1925, some time after his father’s death, Mr. Samuel Warriner donated a new parish house to St. Paul’s, dedicated to his memory. The donation stipulated that the parish house would be for the use of the church, and the community, and since 1925 it has been used for literally hundreds of community activities including a variety of fund-raisers, Scout meetings, blood drives, classes and organizational meetings.

Today, eighty years after this monumental gift, descendants of the Rev. Mr. Warriner are still active in St. Paul’s parish.

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Craft Fair, Bazaar At Thompson UMC

The Thompson United Methodist Charge will be holding their annual Craft Fair and Bazaar on Saturday, September 3, at the Church on Route 171 in Thompson, PA. Festivities will run 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

A large variety of craft items made by local artisans will be available, both outdoors and in the church. A bake sale with homemade pies, cakes and other delicacies will be abundant. The Fill-a-Can cookie sale, homemade maple products, jelly and jams will be sure to satisfy even the most discriminating shopper.

The Attic Treasures will be open with a variety of items both old and new at prices that can’t be beat. The Sidewalk Café will again be open for a lunch bunch. Some items on the menu are hotdogs, hamburgers, wimpies and homemade pies, all prepared by church members. Live entertainment will be ongoing throughout the day; games will also be available for the children. A dunk tank, cotton candy machine and magician will highlight the day. The Clothes Closet will be open to all.

Come shop, eat and enjoy the entertainment and the community spirit of the town.

Anyone interested in obtaining an application to secure a craft space for the day can do so by contacting Tootsie Stone at (570) 727–2158 or Mary Gray at 756–2652.

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Medicare Prescription Coverage Meetings

The B/S/S/T Area Agency on Aging and the Social Security Administration are co-sponsoring a series of meetings in Susquehanna County to help educate the general public about the new Medicare Prescription Program scheduled to begin on January 1, 2006.  The informational meetings will provide an overview of Medicare’s Prescription Program, as well as extra help available from Medicare to pay for prescription drugs for Medicare recipients with limited income and resources.

The dates, times and locations for the Medicare prescription coverage public meetings are as follows:

Blue Ridge Senior Center, 755 Elizabeth Street, Great Bend, PA 18822, 8/30/05 – 12:15 p.m.

Montrose Senior Center, Montrose Square Apartments, Montrose, PA 18801, 9/1/05 – 12:15 p.m.

Forest City Senior Center, 535 Main Street, Forest City, PA 18421, 9/14/05 – 12:15 p.m.

Lenoxville Senior Center, Lenoxville Community Hall, Lenoxville, PA 18841, 9/15/05 – 11:15  a.m.

Lanesboro Senior Center, Turnpike Terrace, Lanesboro, PA 18847, 9/16/05  12:15 p.m.

Lawton Senior Center, Lawton Fire Hall, Lawton, PA 18828, 9/19/05 – 12:00 noon.

For additional information contact the B/S/S/T Area Agency on Aging at 1-800-982-4346, or (570) 265-6121.

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Old Mill Village Old Time Music

The 29th annual, Ben Stone Old-Time Country Music Contest will be featured at Old Mill Village, New Milford, PA on Sunday afternoon, August 28. The gates will open at noon with the contest set to begin at 1 p.m. sharp.

The contest is open to all musicians of acoustic (non-electric) guitar, banjo, fiddle, miscellaneous instruments, and to vocalists and groups. Each year hundreds of spectators watch as a field of about 40 musicians compete for ribbons and $500.00 in cash prizes that are awarded to the winning contestants. A special $150.00 donation has been contributed for cash prizes for young people sixteen and under who compete in the youth category. In past years, the variety of miscellaneous instruments has included autoharps, hammered dulcimers, mandolins, and such oddities as cow bells and musical saws! Spectators may want to bring lawn chairs.

For more information, call the Village at (570) 465–3448 or the Stones at (570) 278–4494

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Annual Craft Fair, Bazaar In Thompson

The Thompson United Methodist Charge will be holding their annual Craft Fair and Bazaar on Saturday, September 3 at the Thompson United Methodist Church on Route 171 in Thompson, PA. Festivities will run 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

As in past years, a large variety of craft items made by local artisans will be available both outdoors and in the church. A bake sale, fill-a-can cookie sale, and the church bazaar will be sure to satisfy even the most discriminating shopper.

The Attic Treasures will be open with a variety of items both old and new at prices that can’t be beat.

The Sidewalk Café will again be open for the lunch bunch. Some items on the menu are hot dogs, hamburgers, whimpies and homemade pies, all prepared by church members.

Live entertainment will be ongoing throughout the day; games will also be available for the children.

As a service to visitors, parking will be available at the Thompson Firehouse on Water Street, with transportation available to bring participants to the church.

Come shop, eat and enjoy the entertainment and the community spirit of the town.

Anyone interested in obtaining an application to secure a craft space for the day can do so by contacting Tootsie Stone at (570) 727–2158 or Mary Gray at 756–2652.

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