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The cold war between Republican county commissioners Roberta Kelly and Jeff Loomis surfaced momentarily at last week’s meeting of the Board of Commissioners but both parties kept their cool and avoided – for the moment anyway – a confrontation that seems inevitable.
The Susquehanna Boro Council took care of business in short order at their July 26 meeting. Members present were John Bronchella, Bill Kuiper, Shane Lewis, Mike Matis and Allen Wolf. With only $250 left in the police budget for repairs for the rest of this year and a $500 deductible to be paid for repairs from a recent accident that caused damage to the police car, there was some discussion as to where the additional $250 should be taken from. A motion carried to take it from the revenues from fines and forfeitures, money that had been set aside towards purchase of a new police car. This site is on a subscription only basis. The Obit and Classified pages have open access. You will need to be a paid subscriber to have complete access to the entire Susquehanna County Transcript website. Thank you for visiting!
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