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Welcome! HEADLINES: The Susquehanna County Commissioners had nothing but praise for employees at the county jail and said medical treatment of two ill prisoners, one of whom died, was done according to prescribed instructions. And while the commissioners did order an investigation into both incidents, Commissioner Jeff Loomis said he does not believe there was anything wrong with the way the employees handled them. The availability of ambulance service in the Hallstead/Great Bend area was the agenda on April 7 when approximately forty people met at the County Office building in Montrose. Brent Meadows, Executive Director of Bradford/Susquehanna Emergency Medical Services (B/SEMS) opened the meeting by stressing that he was not there to chastise the Hallstead/Great Bend Ambulance Service (H/GBAS), but to help that agency find a way to fix its problems. At present, volunteers are so few that the ambulance service can not take calls between 5:00 A.M. and 5:00 p.m. They are also not meeting the requirements for reporting. Meadows had sent letters to the Borough Council advising them that the ambulance service was operating on a provisional license and informing them of the Wednesday evening meeting. Members of other communities ambulance and fire services, who could be impacted by the breakdown of the H/GBAS, were also in attendance and deeply concerned. This site is on a subscription only basis. The Obit and Classified pages have open access. You will need to be a paid subscriber to have complete access to the entire Susquehanna County Transcript website. Thank you for visiting.
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