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Accept Our Gratitude

We, the Susquehanna Sesquicentennial Committee, would like to thank every volunteer and sponsor who helped make our 150th celebration a grand success. From gracious phone calls to monetary donations, from beginning to end, so many well wishers and supporters! Please accept our heartfelt gratitude. It was not only hometown folk, but also people from all around that were there for us. It was because of "all" of you that we succeeded. Thank you.

Hopefully, the love and pride in our hometown has been reborn. So please continue to support our beautiful little town, so that it may grow and prosper for many generations to come.


The Susquehanna Sesquicentennial Committee

Never So Disappointed

I don’t think I have ever been so disappointed in mankind as I was on Tuesday morning, July 29 at approximately 6:30 a.m. I work for a well known chain restaurant at the Gibson Exit on I-81, as a waitress. When waiting on two lovely people I discovered they were ministers from Southern PA, with little or no money and car problems. I proceeded to contact my manager on duty at the time, to see if some free meals could be arranged for these two people; however, it could not be done. Since these people had spent the evening in their van, cold and hungry, I bought their breakfast. By this time, my co-workers had arrived and offered to help me with their bill; I declined, as they have little children, I do not.

They needed some further financial help, so we suggested the lady call the Gibson Methodist Church, which she did; they couldn’t help them. I gave her my calling card to use and she then called TREHAB; they couldn’t do anything for them. I told her to call my minister at the Great Bend Methodist Church, of which I am a member. The minister there said they had no funds to help anyone. She then called a local garage, in New Milford to see if she could find out about her van. They did not return her call. By 1 p.m. in the afternoon, she got hold of Fuccillo Ford, in Hallstead. They told me to give her directions to their place of business. I talked on the phone with Dave, the service manager, whom I know. By this time, I was nearly finished with my shift and said I would go home that way so if any trouble happened I could pick them up, however, they made it and called to tell me the garage needed $65.00 to diagnose their vehicle. I talked to Dave and said I would stop on my way and give them a check; this would be okay. One half hour later, Dave called me to tell me the vehicle had been checked out; a broken motor mount was found and the vehicle could safely be driven home, and there would be "no charge." Of all the people called and involved with this situation, only Fuccillo Ford came through for me.

That could be me on the road needing assistance some day. I truly hope it’s not around this area, because churches, ministers and TREHAB are not going to help me.


Patricia Forsyth

Great Bend, PA

Not Willing To Forego

A letter writer August 6 bemoaned the loss of "our Christian heritage" on public property. I think a clear distinction needs to be made here. Although this country was settled mostly by Christians, when it came time to establish a system of government, the Founders clearly and consciously made it a secular one. This leaves it up to us, in the private sector, to decide for ourselves what we choose to believe.

Last week’s correspondent needs to ponder what these specific religious symbols were doing on public property to begin with, and why there’s been such a push recently to place or keep them there. Here’s why: to create an implied endorsement of Christianity by government, in violation of the First Amendment.

And why would anyone even want such endorsement? Do they really fear that their religion is too feeble to make it without government help? Do they really expect that when the government implies, "Hey, folks – this is the truth! This is what you should believe!", a lot of erstwhile apathetics will go, "Duh, okay..." and convert?

The government is neither authorized nor qualified to determine what is true in the realm of theology. This is our private responsibility. Neither is truth determined by majority rule. So, official neutrality is the fairest course to take. It is contemptuous of the 50 million Americans who are not Christian to expect the government to reflect a Christian bias, not to mention destructive of the Constitution. That’s a nicety I am not willing to forego.

So display your religious symbols in front of your church, or home, or on other private property. It does not belong mixed in with government.


Stephen Van Eck

Rushville, PA

To Everyone At The Transcript

Thanks once again, from all of us at the Susquehanna County Historical Society & Free Library Association, for your wonderful coverage of the Blueberry Festival! The special section looked great. Thanks so very much for approaching advertisers on our behalf. Your coverage helps attract folks from all over. We had a record crowd on Saturday, and even the drizzle and mud on Friday didn’t discourage a decent turnout.

Blueberry Festival proceeds directly support the library in Susquehanna, as well as the libraries in Forest City, Hallstead-Great Bend and Montrose, Books-by-Mail and Books-on-Wheels, and the Historical Society, Museum, and genealogy research center. The Festival is crucial to our operating budget for county services.

We appreciate your community spirit and generosity more than we can say. Once again, thank you very much.


Hilary Caws-Elwitt, Publicity

and the 2003 Festival Committee: Paula Catlin, Amy LaRue, Ellen O'Malley, Susan Stone

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