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HEADLINES: On the evening of August 25 nearly one hundred people, including Thompson's Mayor, Jim Delaney, crowded into Thompson Baptist Church to see the closing VBS program of Trailblazers, Following Our Faithful God. Under the able leadership of Beth Shade Brenner the children sang their hearts out with great zest and lots of volume! Each department shared verses they had learned and explained the Bible lessons they had studied for the week. The teens enjoyed a variety of activities including a Scavenger Hunt, and a "Bigger and Better" Hunt that involved a lot of the neighbors, there was a camp fire and then each evening Dr. Bill Shade led the teens and the adults through the "Mysteries of the Tabernacle," a fascinating Power Point study of how the various parts of the beautiful Tabernacle, that was made during the Jewish exodus out of Egypt, pointed to the coming Christ.
Vacation bible school is fun! Both mornings and evenings found Mrs. Ruby Shade relating the riveting missionary story of the "Man Who Was Born In The Mud." The children learned that no matter how humble their circumstances, if their heart is yielded to God they can be used by Him in wonderful ways! After the program that was presented in the sanctuary, everyone filed out of doors to the camp fire and the awards ceremony. The Red Team earned the most points during the week and won the Gift Certificates for Ice Cream at Rooney's. Individual winners were: Johnny Abruzzo who earned 2,200 points for the boys and received a super soaker that was almost as big as he was ! And Beth Wyman won a lovely porcelain doll by earning 2,400 points for the girls. The happy time concluded with the consumption of a beautifully made "Trailblazers" cake, complete with covered wagon, some punch and then a great time of fellowship.
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