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Lame Ducks Have Lame Meet

Now that we have a lame duck administration for Susquehanna County Commissioners, public meetings may be coming to a short, sweet and lack-of-issues occurrence. Or at least it appeared that way at the most recent, June 11 meeting.

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No New Blue Ridge Taxes

President Alan Hall introduced item 15 "with great pleasure" at the Blue Ridge School Board meeting on June 9. Buried among 33 other items on the agenda, the district's budget for the next fiscal year beginning July 1 was a relief for Board members in that it balances without an increase in local property taxes. The Board's formal approval allows the district to spend a total of $12,899,897 next year, at the current tax millage rate of 43.

They were able to achieve this surprising result even though the state budget so far is unknown, by refinancing some outstanding bonds. The financing package itself was removed from the agenda because the underwriter had not yet finished the paperwork. The Board's next gathering, on June 23, will be a combined workshop and business meeting, at least in part to consider the final form of the refinancing of some $9 million in bonds.

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