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HEADLINES: B-K Auxiliary Hosts Annual Dinner Thursday evening, May 15 marked the forty-eighth annual Barnes-Kasson Hospital Ladies Auxiliary dinner. The event was well attended, with about twenty-three members enjoying the festivities. The group has been in existence, in its present location since the 1960's. The women of the auxiliary have been raising money since 1965, when they donated funds to help open the new hospital, in its existing location on Turnpike Street in Susquehanna. There was much cause to celebrate this year; not only did the women raise funds to be used by the Hospital, their eldest member, Izzie Myer turned 100 years old. Izzie has been a member of the ladies auxiliary since its inception. Sally Iveson (left) accepts a donation check from Esther Gall, President of the Ladies Auxiliary. Throughout the dinner, provided by the Barnes-Kasson cafeteria staff, the ladies reminisced about the early days at the Hospital. Many of their children were born at Barnes-Kasson; the ladies remembered when it only cost $99 to have a baby! The Hospital visits continued for the ladies beyond the birth of their children, broken bones and sore tonsils were cared for through the years at Barnes. After their meal of stuffed chicken, the ladies enjoyed cake during the induction ceremony of the new officers. Esther Gall was elected president, Patricia Tarbox, vice president, Lynnie French as secretary and Ruth Shorten was nominated as treasurer. Following the ceremony, Esther Gall presented CEO Sara Iveson with a $3500 check, earmarked for the waiting room furniture in the new MRI facility. The ladies have raised money in the past for two gray chairs for chemotherapy patients, new mattresses, pillows, lobby furniture, and meal warmers for the Hospital. If you have an interest in joining the Barnes-Kasson ladies auxiliary, please call the Hospital at 853-3135. Legion
Post 86 Pays Tribute To War Dead Monday, May 26, Memorial Day, started off early in the morning "to rain on our parade." Evidently, The Great One intervened, for just about an hour, prior to the 11 a.m. parade time the rain stopped, staying that way until after the services. Many towns and cities have complained that not enough people attended their services. Not Susquehanna. Even the threat of rain did not stop an overflow crowd at the Shops Plaza, near the monuments and Memorial Board. With American Legion Post 86 past commander, Brian Price serving as the master of ceremonies, a fine program was opened with the Susquehanna High School band, under the direction of Maria Arneil, followed by the singing of the National Anthem, by Ward Stanford and the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Cub Scout Pack 81. The invocation was given by Rev. Ken Bitler of the United Methodist Church. With a welcome given by MC Price, the program of speakers extolled the virtues of the millions that fought in the wars, many killed, many wounded, many taken prisoners and (up to now) many still Missing In Action. Speakers were: Past Commander Brian Price; John Bronchella, Director of Susquehanna County Veterans Affairs; Peter Janicelli, Post 86 Commander; Roberta Kelly, Susquehanna Mayor; Calvin Dean, County Commissioner; Ken Seamans, President Judge, Susquehanna County; Gary Marcho, County Commissioner. Featured speaker of the day was Charles Aliano, Susquehanna County District Attorney and a Trustee of Post 86. A Memorial prayer was recited by Stanley Lindow, Post 86 Chaplain. During the placing of the three wreaths at the Servicemens Monument, Joseph Bucci, the posts first vice commander recited a prayer with Mr. Bucci and Frances Cole of the Auxiliary and Richard Norris of the Sons of the American Legion placing the wreaths. Benediction was given by Father Charles Connors, pastor of St. Johns Catholic Church. Closing the program, MC Price thanked the many who braved the inclement weather to pay homage to all of our departed comrades and those still in hospitals and missing. After the program, the American Legion opened their doors to one and all to partake of delicious food and refreshments. Chefs for the day were: Tom Hurley, Nancy Hurley, Matt Frailey, Mary Ficarro, Tony Yannone, Mike Vaccaro, Ceil Vaccaro, Mary Gow and Artie Trynoski. Tid-Bits The sounding of taps, by Amanda Russell and Patricia Albrecht, brought back many memories to the servicemen present. The young ladies of Susquehanna Community High School performed the salute, standing about fifty feet apart, with one "echoing" the taps. Small flags were handed out, and with all of them waving it made a wonderful sight. The sight of so many motorcycles was an "event in itself." There were so many entries in the parade, too numerous to mention, but on behalf of the American Legion, "they extend each and everyone that participated, the speakers, and Dom and Sandy Battisti, for manicuring the Service Board area, a sincere and a heartfelt thanks." As we well know, it takes a lot of work to organize a parade of this magnitude. So, its HATS OFF, to Legionnaires Pete Janicelli, Jesse Gow, Joe Bucci, Brian Price. The fifth annual Valerie (Holmes) Shook Memorial Walk to Cure Juvenile Diabetes, held on Saturday, May 10, was the most successful to date. About 35 people walked four miles round trip on the Bridgewater Riding Club trail bed. Pictured are 2003 Participants in the Valerie (Holmes) Shook Memorial Walk held on May 10. Photo by Joseph Facinelli. Walkers either raised money ahead of time or self-sponsored on the day of the walk. Enthusiastic new walkers and teams whose fundraising skills helped boost the total to a record high included Jordan's Walkers (Mead family and friends), Brittany DeLancey and her family, Susanne Rosenkrans, and Salene Herman. Paper sneakers had been sold in the months before the walk. Major sponsors, joined by many other businesses, helped support the Walk. Adding together all the donations, sponsors, and sales of tickets and sneakers, about $7,100 was raised for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Valerie's co-workers, family, and friends organized the event and made sure everything ran smoothly. Photos from this year's walk are on display at www.susqcolibrary.org/valwalk.htm. Next year's date has already been set, so mark your calendars for Saturday, May 8. Coordination of the Walk is handled through the Susquehanna County Library (278-1881). Theyve been at it again! The rosebuds are gone, the petunias you planted yesterday afternoon have disappeared, trampled hollyhocks are leaning drunkenly, and the hostas are mere stubs. Oh, deer! First you get mad, then you vow to get even. Visions of deer fencing, strong-smelling Irish Spring soap, big dogs, and motion detectors drift through your mind. But wait . . . theres an easier way to minimize deer damage to your flower garden: choose plants deer dont like to eat. (Notice we said, "dont like to eat", not "wont eat".) Deer may eat almost anything if theyre hungry enough, and a healthy adult deer needs 5-10 pounds of food per day. Because they typically travel in groups of two to seven, they can do as much damage from trampling on plants as they do from foraging. The deer surplus has happened largely because humans have eliminated most deer predators and they have expanded into their home locations. To help find a balance in the struggle between deer and humans, plant things that are not a deers first choice. They dislike plants that have fuzzy leaves, thorns, or strong smells. They have to be desperate to chomp on lambs-ears (Stachys), deadnettle (Lamium), or rose campion (Lychnis coronaria). They also dislike herbs such as Artemisia, feverfew, lavender, mint and thyme. Poppies, allium, ivy, hydrangea, zinnia, lilac and yarrow are usually passed up for things more desirable. Some plants are poisonous to deer. They avoid daffodils, narcissus, and plants in the Ranunculaceae family which includes columbine (Aquilegia), buttercup (Ranunculus), marsh marigold, delphimium and aconite. Since neither they nor we are willing to accede to the other, it will pay us humans to try and live in peace with our deer friends. Members of The Garden Club of Montrose have first hand knowledge and experience with the wildlife in our area. To learn more about gardening with our wildlife, join them at one of their upcoming meetings. (The members, not the wildlife!) Call 278-1932 or 278-9703 for dates and places. AG Casey Commends County Firefighters Harrisburg Auditor General Robert P. Casey, Jr. has released audits of the Hallstead and Hop Bottom Volunteer Firefighters Relief Associations (VFRA), which found that the Susquehanna County VFRAs conducted their financial affairs in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The audits covered the period from January 1, 2000, through December 31, 2002. "I applaud the efforts of these firefighters relief associations," Casey said. "Their continued success is critical to providing the necessary support local volunteer firefighters need to protect the lives and property of their neighbors." The Hallstead VFRA received $24,740 in state aid, through Great Bend Township and Hallstead Borough, during the years 2000-2002. The Hop Bottom VFRA received $24,216 in state aid, through Brooklyn, Lathrop and Lenox townships and Hop Bottom Borough, during the years 2000-2002. Envirocycle Announces Recycling Results Hallstead, PA - Envirocycle, Inc., one of the nation's leading recyclers of electronics equipment, today announced the results of its 2002 National Recycling Program. The program, supported by a growing number of well-known consumer electronics marketers, looks to help keep potentially hazardous materials found in some electronics components out of landfills by encouraging their recycling and proper disposal. In 2002, the company's efforts resulted in the collection of over 1.5 million pounds of unwanted and obsolete electronics equipment that may have otherwise been disposed of in local landfills. During 2002, leading consumer electronics manufacturers, Panasonic, Sharp and Sony, teamed with Envirocycle to underwrite the cost of recycling their branded products collected at 67 one-day collection events and during ongoing programs held in 11 different states throughout the year. A significant portion of the materials collected at these events was processed by Envirocycle for use in producing new products. A total of 468,750 pounds of glass was recovered and provided to glass manufacturers for inclusion in new cathode ray tubes (CRTs) used in televisions and computer monitors, and over 40,000 pounds of lead were recovered and properly disposed of. "Since 2000, Envirocycle, Inc. has held hundreds of residential recycling events throughout the country", said Envirocycle's Joe Nardone. "Keeping our landfills free of potentially hazardous materials is everyone's responsibility, and we're encouraged by the support we've received from a wide variety of groups - from electronics manufacturers and municipalities, to consumers and retailers." Envirocycle, Inc. is proud to announce that JVC recently joined the roster of corporate supporters for its National Recycling Program, along with Panasonic, Sharp and Sony. The company hopes to add additional electronic manufacturers to its recycling efforts. With corporate support, Envirocycle plans to hold residential collection events in New Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, Michigan, and Indiana during 2003. The company anticipates that additional locations will be added throughout the year. For more information on Envirocycle, Inc. visit their website at www.enviroinc.com or call one of their customer service representatives at (570) 879-2862. Susquehanna Depot Area Historical Society Museum will be open for the season on Sundays, June through September, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The Society will also be open special hours during the Sesquicentennial celebration. The museum is located in the Plaza, under the water tank. Officers elected at the May meeting are: President, Clay Martin; Vice President, James Beavan; Secretary, Janet Hartt; Treasurer Fred Kotz; Trustees Cal Arthur, Donald Day, Gene Price. Regular meetings are held at the Museum, the third Thursday of each month, at 7 p.m. All are invited.
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