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Help Wanted FOUND: Teacup on Main Street, Susquehanna. Call 756-2896. (A5) FOR SALE: Passive insulated exercise bench with 110 volt motor power. Like new condition. $200. Call Joan Tully at 570-727-2451. (2T-Ju29)
FOR SALE: Fiberglass swimming pool slide and diving board, $300 firm. 570-930-1005. (J17-TF) FOR SALE: Hamada printing presses, 1 600 CD, 1 660 CD (2 color), $2,500 firm. 570-930-1005. (J17-TF) DAYLILIES: Largest selection of potted re-blooming and ever blooming daylilies in the Northeast. Also hostas and grasses. More info call Mike at 607-760-4058. (5T-Ju1)
RENTALS AVAILABLE in Susquehanna county, PA near Montrose area and Broome and Delaware counties, NY. 1, 2, 3, 4-bedroom homes, monthly or weekly. Available now. Beautiful 10-acre estate near Montrose with pond and stream. Totally remodeled, 4-bedroom homes with deck and breath-taking views. Fully furnished. Cable, phone and utilities included. Lots of parking with 4-car garage and much more. $3,000 /month, weekend and weekly rates also available. Call 917-468-4000. (3T-Ju8) FOR RENT: 1-bedroom studio with deck near Montrose. Fully furnished. Cable, phone and utilities included. $1,000 /month. 3-bedroom house $2,000 /month. Call 917.468-4000. (3T-Ju8)
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