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Policing Issues In New Milford I would like to comment on the “Issues Highlight New Milford,” as reported in this paper. What seems to me to be an oversight, is the fact that no mention was given as to the large crowd that assembled that evening, regarding the police protection offered to the bar patrons. Councilwoman Gulick was very cavalier in her handling of this. At these points, her denials of this activity falls on deaf ears, hers perhaps? She sites only two incidents of local DUI, but maybe she should look at the addresses, they are not boro residences. As also stated, Route 11 is a thoroughfare through town, so it does make sense that people from as far away as Hallstead may stop by for a drink. I do not like the attitude of some of the resident boro people suggesting that serving alcohol is an illegal activity. If this is so, then the whole state is involved. I work very hard at my business to insure that I meet and exceed what the regulations are for the LCB, my liability insurance is equal to someone’s yearly payroll, and I have my bartenders trained to proof the young, and watch for obvious signs that one is getting drunk. That is the bar’s responsibility. I also have been give the Good Neighbor Award from this boro in recognition of my business’ involvement with the community. I have hosted many benefits to help those who are in financial trouble due to medical expenses, paid for the Santa Sleigh-ride in the park and many other things because that is what you do when you are a local small business. As for Ms. Gulick’s comment on the economy being in the toilet, that does not seem to be the reason for my customers not being here. It is a fact, that when the economy is in the toilet, more, not less people drink - all over, not just in New Milford. I think since the issue of the economy has been brought up, how is the funding for Montrose Police being paid for? What percentage is paid to the boro in the fines the young vandals generate? Or is this a service that is being paid for out of the tax money I pay in? I feel that the State police and the Stop DUI were all that is needed in a small town. If I am to work hard, pay taxes, and see my economy suffer to humor a very few boro people who think extra policing is necessary, then I might want to see the local bridges repaired to accommodate all the locals, and not spend money on yet another boondoggle that is strictly motivated by politics. There is also the historical perspective. New Milford is known for the hospitality houses located within in the boro limits. History tells us they also offered the large rooms for church services. Yes, in the beginning of New Milford history, there is the trading post and bar. I don’t want to speak for the other bar owners, but I do see this as a wink and nod activity that really does affect a whole sector of the local economy, mine as well as my employees’ and their families. I don’t think it is entirely fair to suggest that being feisty is a bad thing, nor that I condone bad drunken-lets-go-drink-and-drive and kill someone, as suggested at this meeting. As a business woman, I’m sure you can appreciated my very valid concerns regarding the policing activity. And Ms. Gulick, this isn’t a rumor. If this activity that is not happening keeps up, I’m wondering who will be left to generate the tax base. The aging population of New Milford is already deciding whether to eat, hear or buy meds. Can they afford more? Sincerely, Mickie Thatcher, Proprietor, Parkview Hotel New Milford, PA LETTERS
TO THE EDITOR POLICY Thank you, Susquehanna County Transcript
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