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Visitors To Montrose Speak
Commissioners Are Busy
Summer Hours
Oakland Park Vandalized Again
Courthouse Report
Great Bend Twp. Report
Use New 911 Address
May Jurors Drawn
Fire and Ambulance Merger in Forest City
Gibson Barracks Report

Visitors to Montrose Speak
By Melinda Darrow

The April 6 Montrose Borough meeting realized an almost full council room. Various visitors were present to discuss matters of importance to them.

Ilona Scroggins attended the meeting to update council on progress made toward the park watch and potential summer program she proposed in the fall. Ms. Scroggins stated that she had begun walking around the borough talking to residents living near the park, with mixed results. Most of those not interested in becoming involved in a park watch, she stated, were fearful of repercussions which their reports might bring, and were concerned that their referrals would not be kept confidential. She was able to begin an e-mail list of those who were interested in taking part in the initiative, and planned on continuing canvassing the area in coming days. The police chief assured those present that reports to the police are confidential, with police even trying, generally, to call about reports rather than driving to the house and taking a statement as a visible presence.

Also at the meeting was Ingrid Balsamo, one of the operators of Break Time foods, the mobile catering service which had been denied a peddler's permit at a prior meeting. She stated that she was a little shocked and surprised that the permit was denied the first time, as other municipalities had welcomed the service with open arms. She had, she said, already received requests from businesses in Montrose. The truck would go to certain businesses at a pre-scheduled day and time, and allow workers to buy food. Each location might be visited 2 to 3 times a week. Mr. Reimel asked how many restaurants the municipalities, which welcomed the service so readily, already had within their borders, explaining that Montrose had seven. He and other members of the council did not want to go against the business owners who had been established in the area, hiring locals and paying taxes for years. One member likened it to stabbing existing business owners in the back. Another asked Ms. Balsamo if she was willing to pay part of her receipts to the borough as taxes. She, in turn, argued that allowing her truck to work in the area would not be going against existing businesses because she would provide a different service. This was a moot point however, it was responded, as they all sell food, even if it is of different varieties. In the end the question was raised whether or not a peddler's permit was even needed for the truck to park in the private parking lot of a business requesting its services. No one had the answer to this question, so the borough solicitor agreed to research it for continued discussion at the recessed meeting later in the month.

An altercation with a local business owner, displeased over having to pay metered parking was also discussed. After writing several letters to the borough requesting an alternate arrangement be made which would allow him not to pay the meters every two hours, the man had allegedly visited the borough secretary. During this visit, it was related, he become verbally abusive, to the point where he was heard in the police quarters upstairs and an officer came down to assist the secretary. A council member suggested that if the resident were to try this again, he be informed that there is a statute against abuse of public officials, and charged. All present seemed to be in agreement regarding this matter, and the police chief was instructed as such.

A representative from the Montrose Restoration Committee presented to the council copies of the new visitors' brochure, and thanked them for their assistance with it. She also requested permission to place 20 trees on Public Avenue and Maple Street, stating that the plan was to allow retail signs to remain visible, and to utilize structural soil so that roots would grow down and not destroy sidewalks. Mr. Yeager proposed that not only should the borough allow this action, but purchase the trees. The motion was passed.

The life of the municipal authority was extended for another fifty years. The borough's solicitor explained that the council didn't really have a choice in the matter one way or the other, as when it was created the articles of incorporation gave little to no power to the borough. The authority is a duly recognized entity in the commonwealth, and cannot be effected or dissolved by anyone other than the commonwealth.

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Commissioners Are Busy
By Carole M. Canfield

The Susquehanna County Commissioners had a busy meeting which included a number of resolutions, proclamations, authorizations, compliance statements and a report from the Syracuse, NY based “Seneca Group” which manages the retirement funds from Susquehanna County.

Although the Seneca Group made their presentation in the “Retirement Meeting”, I thought it important to mention that although the group now, finally presents the Commissioners with their reports ahead of time (so the Commissioners may examine them before the actual meeting), both the Commissioners and the Seneca Group have not provided (nor have any intention of providing) the media nor taxpayers with anything other than a “canned statement” regarding the handling, use and anything else regarding their monetary responsibilities. They even had to be asked for their own press release and handed three reporters one copy. Thankfully, Commissioner Warren left the meeting to make enough copies.

I also will note that Susquehanna County Treasurer Benedict abstained from the Retirement Board Meeting, although she did stay in the meeting.

Members of the media have, for over a year, requested a copy of the report, in order to correctly report to county taxpayers what is transpiring with the county monies.

When previously asked why the documents could not be released to the media or the audience, Commissioner Giangreico responded “We wouldn’t want you to make a wrong interpretation” (since we “did not have privy to the reports”). Commissioner Warren agreed, stating that there was no reason to know (as the Seneca Group was handling it). Following the Commissioners meeting report, I will use their “canned statement”, so you also “may not interpret it incorrectly.”

During Public Comment, Jim Jennings requested if the Gas Lease Force was set up yet, as it had not been elaborated on at the Economic Development meeting, as previously suggested. Jennings was also concerned about water contamination and suggested that someone with water knowledge and experience, be appointed to the said force. Commissioner Warren responded that “we are utilizing our county employees,” in the fields that pertain to gas, oil, etc. situations, including: Charlene Moser, EMA Coordinator; Robert Templeton, Planning Commission; Jim Garner, Conservation District; Joanne Kowleski and “the rest of the Penn State Agriculture, who can get education and information out from their department.”

Jennings questioned the effectiveness of the group, as each of them relied on the Commissioners for their employment and may have problems in reporting negative information. Commissioner Warren felt this was not an issue.

There was also mention by Commissioners that DEP has transferred some dealings with erosion and sediment to themselves.

Jennings asked if this force was going to have a meeting and was told by Commissioner Warren that there will be a 9:30 a.m. meeting prior to the Economic Development meeting at 10 a.m., if such a prior meeting was necessary. The Commissioner added that the public could come to the meeting if desired.

Business included appointing/reappointing the following to The Endless Mountains Resource Conservation and Development Council: Board Member-Commissioner Mary Ann Warren; First alternate-Jim Garner; Second Alternate-Thom Helmacy and Member-At-Large-Christopher Maby.

After a short executive session, Commissioners terminated Jamie Dench, Assistant Public Defender, effective immediately.

The re-addressing for 911 is still being held up by the Harrisburg Post Office, Commissioner Warren said, but progress has been made.

It was reported that a 911 alternate site, as required by the state, was set up in Lackawanna County via a mobile site that “could come up, plug in and be ready.”

Proclamation 2009-03 was adopted as “Week of the Young Child/Young Children’s Fair, week of April 19, 2009:“ whereas Susquehanna CARES (Childcare, Agencies, Resources and Educational Services), along with other organizations and early educators, in conjunction with Pennsylvania and the National Association for the Education of Young Children, are celebrating the “Week of the young Child” April 19-25, 2009. Susquehanna County CARES is working to enhance the quality of care and education of our young children who are key to the future of Susquehanna County whereas all young children and families in Susquehanna county deserve access to high-quality early educational care; Susquehanna county CARES will celebrate our young children with a “Young Children’s Fair, on April 25 at the Lathrop Street Elementary School.”

Proclamation 2009-04 was adopted as “April as Grange Month in Susquehanna County. The Grange has served Americans for the past 142 years by working in local communities as a grassroots based organization focused on elevating the aims and characters of its members since their inception in 1867.”

Resolutions 2009-06 and 2009-07 regarded authorization of the sale of County equipment including: a washing machine and a five foot sickle bar for a farm tractor. Notice will be posted for 10 days and “thereafter the County will sell this property for the best prices obtainable.”

A Fair Housing Resolution 2009-10 was passed by the Commissioners, in conjunction with TreHab as the 2009-2010 HSDF. Provider agencies and description list are available at TreHab or through contact person Dennis Phelps. Services are provided by TreHab for housing, homemaker and chore and home support; Area Agency on Aging for home delivered meals, service planning/case management and volunteer services; and Barnes Kasson Hospital for transportation services.

It is estimated that 659 clients will utilize the services. The budgeted expenditures amount to $91,384.00 with $2,500.00 administration, for a total HSDF 2009-2010 grant of $93,884.00.

Resolution 2009-08 was an intergovernmental agreement to authorize electronic access to PennDOT Systems.

Resolution 2009-09 followed, authorizing that Commissioner Mary Ann Warren be “the Authorized Official (AO) and directed to submit grant applications and assign roles within dot grants on its behalf.”

Resolution 2009-11 regarded the public policy of Susquehanna County to promote the Minority Business Enterprise Plan and Statement of Goals.

A show of support for the re-introduction of Federal Senate Bill S-1722, the Federal Milk Marketing Improvement Act, was made by the Commissioners by adopting Resolution 2009-12. This bill was designed to correct the disparity in payment versus cost and the reintroduction of this bill would mean a raise in the price per hundredweight from a current approximate price of just under $12 to an approximate price of $22.46. Arden Tewksbury would be the contact for more information on this bill, Commissioners stated; or a copy of the resolution can be retrieved at the Susquehanna County Court House.

Business was conducted quickly, not including the time for the Seneca Group, and the mainstay of the April 8, 2009 Commissioners meeting was concluded within less than 20 minutes.

This reporter did not stay for the Seneca Group Presentation as the information provided to the taxpayers was thus: “The Susquehanna retirement board met with their consultants, the Seneca Group, on Wednesday, April 8th and reviewed the county’s pension investments and performance. The bear market continued after a brief reprieve in December with the portfolio dropping 9.5% for the quarter but outperforming the benchmark by 3.3% net of fees. While disappointed with the economy and the markets as a whole, the Seneca Group continues to be pleased with how the portfolio managers and the cautious asset allocation has added value during this volatile time. Based on the 2008 peer report for public pension plans compiled by Wilshire, Susquehanna’s returns continue to rank in the top 25% since hiring the Seneca Group. They remained cautious but recommended that the county increase equities to a 5% overweighing while setting aside enough cash to meet the anticipated pension payments for the balance of the year. The Seneca Group also expanded on their previous suggestion shared with the retirement board but made to their most conservative clients about amending their investment guidelines. The current bear market could last a while but experience powerful bear market rallies. This volatility could provide opportunities to preserve principal while harvesting incremental returns. While they do not believe in market timing they do believe it is prudent to allow clients who are sensitive to principal erosion to raise cash in the face of imminent danger.”

The Susquehanna County Commissioners Meeting is held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 9 a.m. in the Emergency Management Agency’s Conference Room.

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Summer Hours

The Susquehanna County Transcript will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:40 p.m. Monday through Friday, until further notice. Feel free to contact our offices if you need to schedule weekend or earlier appointments.

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Oakland Park Vandalized Again

Many volunteers have expended a considerable amount of time and effort, not to mention money, to upkeep and improve the Oakland Boro park. It was with great sadness and some anger, the boro council reported at their April 9 meeting that the park had been vandalized yet again. Even the work that had recently been organized by Boy Scout Brad Weaver had been undone. The bleachers and the railings were damaged, the shed door was knocked down, the hooks for the basketball net were broken, and the bases on the field had been dug up. Council president Ron Beavan remarked, “It makes you want to close the park and be done with it.” As always, however, the good people of the boro have pitched in to repair the damage.

The parks committee had recently met and will meet again on April 18 for their reorganizational meeting. Once officers have been elected, they will surely address the vandalism problem and bring some recommendations to council on how to address it. Some items council discussed were installing surveillance cameras, posting “No Trespassing” signs, and/or posting the hours during which the park would be open. Council passed a motion to immediately post a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the damage. A motion also carried to release $600 of the $825 left in last year's budget allocation for the park to the little league to repair the bases.

There is also still a shortfall of the pledges needed towards the boro's contribution for the DCNR grant for improvements at the park. Since some of the pledges could be for work performed rather than outright cash contributions, Mr. Beavan said that some of those pledges could be reformulated as the original grant application was three years ago and the allowance for hourly work has increased somewhat since then. It was also thought that Mr. Weaver's work crew's hours could be added to the boro's contribution since none of them were paid, and there were considerable hours contributed. Any volunteers should keep track of their time spent and submit them to the boro.

Negotiations are still underway to purchase the trailer next to the park and the lot it is on; the solicitor will be consulted before proceeding further.

And, a motion carried to appoint councilman Dave Trevarthan to the parks committee.

Some time ago, boro residents had been sent surveys to see what direction they would like to see the boro take in the future. On the surveys, residents had indicated an interest in a Crime Watch program but few had seemed interested in actually participating. In light of the vandalism incidents, council discussed trying to get one up and running. Anyone interested should contact council. As Mr. Beavan noted, the boro only has a part-time police force and most likely will never have a full-time one.

In other business, Codes Support Officer Shane Lewis was present to speak about an ongoing issue with a boro property. He said that, in this case, the boro's support program was not working. The property in question has a number of “junk” vehicles on it, and the owner is apparently carrying on a used car business without a license. There have also been complaints from neighboring property owners about damage to their properties. Numerous warnings have been issued, with a slight compliance, but then things go back to the way they were and then get worse. He asked council for some direction as to how to proceed. After discussion, council approved bringing the matter to the support committee for their assessment, and approving whatever action they deem appropriate even if it is to bring it to the county court.

Otherwise, Mr. Lewis said that the support program is moving along well.

Jim DeVoe was present to introduce himself; he is interested in applying for a part-time position on the boro's police force. He was advised to contact Mayor Dudley.

The mayor and boro secretary Flo Brush will be attending UCR training; this is necessary for reports that need to be filed when fines are issued by the police in order for some of the revenue to be returned to the boro. Mr. Beavan noted that the training will take more time for Mrs. Brush than her weekly scheduled hours; she will be paid accordingly.

The outdoor furnace ordinance has been reviewed, and some minor changes made. A motion carried to send it to the boro's solicitor for review.

At their next board meeting, River Bounty expects to hear a proposal from the party interested in restoring the Susquehanna River dam and the hydro electric plant.

According to the last census, as a whole the boro's residents' income falls above the poverty line. This information is used to determine whether or not the boro qualifies for CDBG funding for grant projects. However, for projects targeting specific areas, the income of the residents affected may fall within the guidelines for CDBG funding. If residents are contacted for information, they are requested to be candid when supplying information.

An individual contacted council about purchasing an old, damaged slide that had been removed from the park. Council approved giving it to him in exchange for a $20 donation.

The 2008 audit is completed and will be advertised.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, May 14, 7:00 p.m. at the Lanesboro Community Center.

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Courthouse Report
Compiled By Lauren P. Ficarro


Lillian I. Langendoerfer (By Sheriff) to Midfirst Bank, in Forest City for $1,905.90.

Frantz J. and Megan E. Lincoln to Kelly B. Johnson, in Springville Township for $120,000.00.

Stanley Mulcock and Claudia Sand to Joseph P. Zuber, in Bridgewater Township for $165,000.00.

Wendy A. Stowell (NBM) Wendy A. and Thomas J. Yadlosky to William A. Szili, III and Cara Milewski, in Clifford Township for $145,000.00.

Ann and Gino Lucon to Dorothy Mather, IX, in Herrick Township for $225,000.00.

Roland (AKA) Rolland Loomis to Deborah Loomis Major, Timothy, Jerald Alan and Rolland Bruce, Jr. Loomis, in Rush Township for one dollar.

Helen Carpenetti to Monica S. Turner, in Lathrop Township for one dollar.

Larry A., Jr. and Tricia A. Smith to Tricia A. Smith, in Brooklyn Township for one dollar.

Melissa Ann (By Sheriff) and Edward Kevin Zajaczkowski (By Sheriff) to Southstar I LLC, in Rush Township for $1,539.53.

James P. Arnold (By POA) to Montrose Hillbillies, II, in Bridgewater Township and Montrose for $270,000.00.

David Faidiga to David Faidiga, in Gibson Township for one dollar.

Douglas L., Sr. and Bonnie L. Steen to Douglas L., Sr. and Bonnie L. Steen, in Apolacon Township for one dollar.

Gary C. and Terry Davella to Albert H. and Doris J. Stickney, in Choconut Township for one dollar.

Clifford J. Mead to Clifford J., Bonnie D. and Deanna S. Mead, in Bridgewater Township for one dollar.

Stephen G. and Carol R. Selige, Sara L. and Dennis Hall and Nancie L. and Richard Siegel to Wayne L. (AKA) Wayne C. and Marianne S. Williams, in Lenox and Clifford Townships for one dollar.

John (AKA) John David (By Sheriff) and Sandra Gilbert (By Sheriff) to Deutsch Bank National Trust Company, in Montrose for $3,457.62.

Thomas J. (By Atty) and Pamela K. Carlson (By Atty) to Brian Grochowski, in Herrick Township for $200.00.

Deborah Loomis Major to Robert Distinti, in Franklin Township for $336,000.00.

Salvatore J. and Lisa M. Armetta to Salvatore J. Armetta, in New Milford Township for one dollar.

Lloyd A. Stevens (Estate) to Mark F. and Craig L. Stevens and Laurie A. Strawn, in Silver Lake Township for one dollar.

HSBC Bank (By Atty) to Pauline J. Ohara, in Susquehanna for $22,900.00.


Jeffrey Baka and Christine M. Kleinbauer, both of Forest City.

Jeremy Michael Taber of Berkshire, NY and Athena Louise Brodsky of Brackney, PA.

Christopher John Kingsbury and Jessica Sue Hall, both of New Milford.

Michael R. Hawthore, Jr. and Amanda Sue Thompson, both of Meshoppen.


The Susquehanna County Domestic Relations Section has bench warrants for the following individuals as of 1:26 p.m. on April 9, 2009.

David P. Atherholt, Jr., Erika L. Back, David S. Blaisure, Joseph Bonavita, Michael P. Bradley, Jr., David M. Brant, Kenneth G. Burgess, Jason J Carroll, Tony R. Clark, Mark T. Conklin, James J. Corridoni, Kevin Cowperthwait, Jeffrey A. Craig, Mary Dallasta, Paul H. Donovan, Deborah L. Drish, Jonathan Fathi, Kristoffer B. Fazzi, David J. Fischer, Thomas Fisher, Nesbitt W. Fitch, Jr., Ryan M. Forder, Kelly Fox, Dominick M. Franklin, David Haines, Jr., Suzanne R. Hansen, William N. Hendrickson, Ann Hightower, Timothy M. Holmes, Carl M. Kelder, Kevin D. Klein, Erik E. Krisovitch, Rebecca S. Kutney, James R. Lee, Charlie J. Legere, Carlos L. Leiser, Howard J. Linder, Christopher Locke, George D. Lowery, Joseph Malloy, Jr, Tanika Marazzani, Patricia J. Marrero, Jason Marshall, Zada A. McDonald, Joseph G. Mershon, Theodore J. Michaliga, Joseph C. Moore, Anthony Neri, Benjamin Newell, Tanya M. Novak, Todd M. O'Hara, Ivy U. Oropallo, Harriet Pabst, Donald Palmer, Gary Perico, Amy S. Pompey, Jonathan R. Powers, James E. Purse, Jeffrey A. Ransom, Duane Spencer, Amy M. Squier, Earl H. Thompson, Jr., Christopher Trayes, Anthony M. Vaow, Keith W. Vroman, Steven G. Warner, Joseph Watkins, Glynn Wildoner, III, Jamie L. Williams, Kitty L. Williams, Roderic R. Williams, Karl D. Zantowsky.

Please contact the Domestic Relations Section at 570-278-4600 ext. 170 with any information on the location of these individuals.

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Great Bend Twp. Report

The Great Bend Twp. supervisors covered a number of items at their April 6 meeting.

A Dubois St. resident was present, and stated that there are still problems to neighboring properties from a stone saw shop there. The resident said that he had contacted DEP and the Conservation District, but neither had been of help. There are problems with water runoff and stone dust, both of which are affecting the creek that runs behind the properties, as well as residents adjacent to the property. The supervisors said that they would contact DEP for more information, and that letters would be sent by them to the property owner regarding pallets of stone that are being “parked” in the roadway. One supervisor noted that if the township had zoning, there would be more control over problems of these types.

Another resident said that she had contacted the county Planning Commission with regard to putting additional trailers on her property. Her original plan had been to subdivide, but she had decided against that. However, the sewage system on the property in question can only handle the two trailers that are presently there. To add more, the property would have to be connected to the municipal sewer system at her expense. She was advised to contact COG about permits for the sewer connections and for putting in more trailers.

The roadmaster's report consisted of the usual items for this time of year, filling potholes, cleaning ditches, clearing downed trees, preparing the equipment for summer work, and preparing a priority schedule for summer maintenance. And, an inspection of the township's roads showed them to be in good shape.

Bids for road materials and fuel were opened. After review, the supervisors carried a motion to accept them all. They explained that this would allow them to use the other bidders as a backup in the event that the lowest bidder for any of the list of items was unable to supply the material when it was needed. There was a rather heated “discussion” between two of the bidders' representatives who were present. The township's bid advertisement had requested that the bids be submitted on forms furnished by the township, and one of the bids was submitted on a different form. One of those present felt that it would be improper for the bid to be accepted on a different form; the other said that the (same) bids would be rewritten on the proper forms and sent to the supervisors the following morning. The supervisors said that, in the meantime, they would check with the township's auditors to ascertain whether that would be permissible.

Only one bid for fuel was received, from Mirabito. Two prices were given, one firm and one fluctuating. Although the fluctuating prices were somewhat lower, after discussion it was agreed to accept the firm price, as fuel prices have been unstable the last few years and could go somewhat higher than the present firm price.

The supervisors accepted the yearly contract renewal from Northeast Signal, for maintenance of the traffic lights.

It was reported that the Bridging Communities project is moving forward. Once the final paperwork is sent to Harrisburg and approved, the bid package will be prepared and advertised.

A demolition permit was issued to the township for demolition of the former Beamer property, which was damaged in the 2006 floods. The county had bid out the project, and will inspect the property once the demolition is complete.

A motion carried to approve an on-lot sewage management agreement between the township and Lisa and Brian Carpenetti. The Carpenetti's have set up a $500 escrow account with COG, as described in the agreement.

Two driveway permits were issued to Alta Resources for the water station on Old Route 11 used in their gas drilling operations.

A peddler's permit was issued to Keystone Novelties to set up at the Great Bend Exxon.

Bluestone permits were issued to Edward Greene II and Douglas G. Kilmer.

Correspondence reviewed included a booklet asking for the township's cooperation in the upcoming census; a thank you from Leadership 2020 for the township's support; information from PAWC about their Environmental Grant Program; the audit report for the nonuniformed pension plan for January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2007; Great Bend Hose 2008 cash flow report; and a declaration page from FEMA and a summary of coverage for the township's flood insurance.

Letters will be sent to two property owners, one on Orchard Road and one of Highland Road, regarding violation of the township's nuisance ordinance.

And, the township's employees are interested in a retirement program available to municipal employees. A motion carried to get information packets for those interested.

In new business, a motion carried to approve a proposal from a firm that specializes in the procedure for posting and bonding roads. Although the supervisors were reluctant to spend the $6,500 involved, as one said, “It's the right thing to do.” The firm will conduct the needed engineering study of the township's roads, and will prepare the ordinance that will need to be enacted.

The next meeting will be on Monday, May 4, 7:00 p.m. in the township building.

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Use New 911 Address

SUSQUEHANNA – Susquehanna Postmaster Mary Tyneway is reminding customers served by the Susquehanna Post Office – and the 18847 ZIP Code – to use their new 911 address.

Using the correct address ensures accurate and timely delivery, that’s why it’s important all mail displays the 911 physical address assigned by Susquehanna County. Customers who receive mail that doesn’t have the correct address should notify the personal correspondent or business mailer of their correct address.

Improperly addressed mail could be misdirected on automated equipment, causing it to be delayed or returned.

New 911 addresses went into effect in May 2008 in areas delivered by the Susquehanna Post Office. Customers who previously had an address consisting of an RR or Box Number and have been assigned a street address by the county should no longer be using the old mailing address.

The old address no longer exists and continued use of this address could cause mail to be delayed or returned “no such address.”

Although the Postal Service makes every attempt to deliver mail with old addresses on it, the time frame for having records to cross-check these addresses is almost expired. As new carriers and substitutes take over routes, they don’t have the personal knowledge necessary to deliver to these old addresses.

Tyneway says customers should review their incoming mail and notify correspondents of their correct delivery address.

Additionally, customers with summer residences and lake houses who didn’t receive a new 911 address yet because they’re seasonal residents, should contact the county for their new address.

For 911 address information, residents can call Susquehanna County Mapping and Addressing at 800-395-6503.

Customers with questions about mail delivery can call the Susquehanna Post Office at (570) 853-3168.

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May Jurors Drawn

Following is the list of names drawn to serve as Petit and Traverse jurors to appear in the Court of Common Pleas, Susquehanna County Courthouse, Montrose, on the fourth day of May at 9:00 a.m.

Ararat Twp.: Victor Quaranta

Auburn Twp.: Stanley Bonavita, Kassi Lyman Jerauld.

Bridgewater Twp.: William Davies, Kathleen Decker, Michael Egli, Lonnie Griffiths, Daniel Kosik, Janet Loomis, Krystle Loomis, Douglas Overfield, Rebecca Warner.

Brooklyn Twp.: Lloyd Baker, Christine Cady, Nannette Conner, James DeWitt, Patrick Durland, Carol Stankiewicz.

Choconut Twp.: Michael W. Fabian, III, Kenneth Roon, Jane Rosenblum, William Vincent.

Clifford Twp.: Christine Barhite, Anne Cicco, Joseph Gillette.

Dimock Twp.: Daniela Hollister, Robert Hunter, Jacqueline Rhodes.

Forest Lake Twp.: Randy Nash.

Franklin Twp.: James Schreck.

Great Bend Boro: Ann Winnie.

Great Bend Twp.: James Mangel, Harry Marvin, Helen Schoner, Dan Wilbur.

Hallstead Boro: Thomas Macleod.

Harford Twp.: Michael Aherne, Joseph Simonson.

Harmony Twp.: Marilyn Williams.

Herrick Twp.: John Meza.

Hop Bottom Boro: Robert Norton, James Norton.

Jackson Twp.: Donald Benedict, Dwayne Conklin, David Johnson, Lloyd Pease, Ann Thorn.

Lenox Twp.: Tressa Blank, Larry Dean, Timothy Feduchak, Gail Rendle, Sarah Ryan, William Zick.

Liberty Twp.: Mildred Gailey, Carl Gelatt.

Little Meadows Boro: John Sorber.

Middletown Twp.: Chris Dudock.

Montrose Boro 1W: Donald Brhel.

Montrose Boro 2W: Laurence Kelly, Susan Rhinevaultngley, Mae Thomas.

New Milford Boro: Robert Sainato, William Sheppard.

New Milford Twp.: Robert Burchell, Janet Hogle.

Oakland Boro: Timothy Roe, Verna Stout.

Oakland Twp.: Juanita Ball, Evelyn DeValle.

Rush Twp.: Holly A. Johnson.

Silver Lake Twp.: Rosalind Hammer, Barbara Mahoney, Julie Perlick, William Potter, Richard Rosenkrans, Jr.

Springville Twp.: Marsha Clink, Lynn Stark.

Susquehanna Boro 1W: Michael Vaccaro.

Susquehanna Boro 2W: Maria Cina, Alice Evans.

Thompson Boro: Joseph McAndrew.

Thompson Twp.: Charles Davis, Andrew Hubal.

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Fire and Ambulance Merger in Forest City
By Stephanie Everett

An April 6 Forest City Borough meeting opened with news of an information session on MS4 permits. The session will be held Friday, April 24; interested individuals may contact the Borough Office.

Mayor Nicholas Cost issued a “last warning” for individuals speeding in town and “playing” during early-morning hours. Cost announced an increase in police patrol, even during hours when police are normally off-duty.

During his report, Solicitor Paul E. Smith announced that Act 32, an amendment to the Local Tax Enabling Act, requires a voting delegate and at least one alternate to serve on the Tax Collection Committee. Barbara Mihelc, Robert Trusky and Patrick Coles volunteered.

The board passed a motion to sign a Cooperative Agreement with the Forest City Regional School District to hire the United States Department of Agriculture to eradicate Canada geese from Kennedy Park and Lake Erie through nest and egg removal. According to the agreement, the borough will pay half of first-year costs, not to exceed $3,711.

At the request of Step-By-Step, the board agreed to plant a tree in Kennedy Park in observance of Mental Health Awareness Month.

At the request of Robert Trusky, the board agreed to sponsor a spring yard-based clean-up, with pick-ups on May 4 and May 11. The borough will collect the same type of items as it did during the fall clean-up.

Also concerning maintenance, Robert Tedesco, head of public works, announced that a storm water pipe running under Hudson Street must be replaced. According to Tedesco, “It’s getting to be a bad situation up there.”

The announcement of a merger between the Forest City Fire Department and Ambulance Organization met with approval by those in attendance. “It’s long overdue,” Mary Twilley said. The merger was made necessary by a decline in volunteerism and an increase in work load. Although the consolidation occurred on April 5, Barbara Mihelc explained that it probably will not become official before the end of the year.

The board appointed Guy Grestel to serve as Borough Code Enforcer, retroactive to March 1, 2009.

Two residents sought answers to questions about borough ordinances. One man asked what could be done about trucks with noisy exhaust systems idling in the Turkey Hill parking lot. Mayor Cost told the man to call the police next time the situation occurs. A police officer in attendance stated that in such a situation, the driver would most likely be cited for disorderly conduct.

The second question involved regulations for outdoor cooking. Solicitor Smith and Mayor Cost explained that a unit must be temporary, specifically designed for cooking and must not produce excessive smoke. Additionally, Cost requested that the individual use charcoal for fuel.

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Gibson Barracks Report
Compiled By Melinda Darrow


Sometime between the 5th of March and the 2nd of April, several boxes of audio equipment were taken from inside a garage belonging to the parents of Christopher Conrad in Union Dale. The items were being stored at this location while Conrad was in the process of moving into his new residence.


Between the 4th and 5th of March, Mark Klim of Hop Bottom left his debit card in an ATM in Lenox, and an unknown perpetrator took the card and used it at several retail locations.


Between the 23rd and 25th of March, one or more unknown person(s) entered the residence of Shawna and Steven Whritenour on Riverside Drive in Susquehanna, and removed various items from within the home. Anyone who witnessed any activity in the area or who has information is asked to call PSP Gibson at (570) 465-3154 and reference incident number R05-0728276.


On April 7, at approximately 8:35 p.m., an unknown person in a Green Dodge Pick-up truck drove off from the Great Bend Exxon station on Rt. 11 without paying for 6.4 gallons of gas (valued at $13.51).


On March 12, between the hours of 3 and 4:30 a.m., one or more unknown perpetrator(s) broke a window out of the back door of the County Seat Hotel in Montrose, in order to gain access to the bar. Seven bottles of liquor and 1 ½ cases of beer were stolen before exit was made through the same method as the entrance.


On April 6, at approximately 1 p.m., Shawn Vosburg of Meshoppen was traveling east on SR 3004 in Springville when, for an unknown reason, he drove off of the right side of the roadway and crashed into a tree lying on the ground. Vosburg's vehicle then continued to travel south into a field before coming to a rest.


On April 2, at approximately 4:15 p.m., Christopher Mazza of Carbondale was traveling on state highway 374 in Herrick Twp. when, due to excessive speed, he drove off of the roadway and his vehicle overturned. Both Mazza and a passenger were wearing seat belts, and no serious injuries were sustained.


On April 4, at approximately 12:09 a.m., Manuel Souto of Rome, Pa was traveling west on SR 3023 in Dimock Twp. when a cow walked into the road in from of him, resulting in a crash. No injuries were reported.


On April 4, at approximately 12:51 a.m., Brock Scott of New Milford was traveling south along SR 11 in that town when he lost control of his vehicle and turned to the left. The dodge ram traveled across the northbound lane and onto private property at 165 Main St., before continuing through some shrubbery and striking the house. The vehicle then traveled across the driveway to the North and struck a tree, coming to a final rest there. Both Scott and passenger Timothy Allen of New Milford fled the scene; they were later located and charges were pending at the time of report.


Between the 25th and 26th of March, it was reported that a pallet of stone was dismantled and a lock and chain cut off a gate at Rozell Quarry in Brooklyn Twp.


Between the 21st and 22nd of March, one or more unknown person(s) kicked open a locked door to a residence in Lathrop Twp. Apparently nothing was taken from within.


Between 9 and 11 p.m. on April 6, someone damaged a 1987 Chevrolet Camaro belonging to Brian Sheffler of Montrose. The front and passenger side windows were broken.


On March 20, between 3 and 3:30 p.m., a white male reportedly entered a residence in Bridgewater Twp. and took household items from within.


On April 6, at 4:17 p.m., an unknown person drove away from the Great Bend Exxon station without paying for $30 worth of gas.


On March 30, between 1 and 5 p.m., one or more unknown person(s) unlawfully entered a residence in Meshoppen and removed miscellaneous items from within, including prescription medication and food.


On March 27, at 10:29 p.m., Jeffrey Hayslett of Hallstead was stopped on SR 81 in New Milford for an equipment violation, and found to be DUI. Charges were filed at District Court 34-3-02.


On March 28, at 2 a.m., Timothy Babcock of Great Bend was stopped while driving on SR 171 in Great Bend for an equipment violation, and found to be DUI . Charges were filed at District Court 34-3-02.


On March 2, at 11:50 a.m., John Smith of Flanders, Nj was attempting to exit off of interstate 81 southbound in New Milford Twp. when he lost control on the snow covered ramp and slid sideways, striking a concrete jersey barrier.


On March 4, at 8 p.m., Bradley Fisher of Harford was traveling east on SR 547 in that township when the transmission slipped in his vehicle. Fisher observed smoke coming out from under the front hood and stopped the vehicle. After exiting, he saw flame coming from the front wheel wells. The Harford Fire Department responded.


A Kingsley man is accused of stealing a vehicle which he previously sold to another Kingsley resident, during the night of March 11. The alleged theft occurred when the former had a friend drive the vehicle from the garage of the defendant to a separate location, where it was loaded onto a tow dolly and hauled away.

Anyone having additional information on any of these incidents is asked to please contact PSP Gibson at (570) 465-3154.

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