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Montrose Moves Ahead
By Melinda Darrow

Much of the March 2 Montrose Borough meeting was taken up in a review of the borough's insurance policy, through DGK. Other business was conducted, however, and a few decisions made.

It was suggested that the borough had to either start moving on the renovation of the building next door, to make it into new borough offices, or tear it down and sell the lot. Toward this end, Mr. Yeager had investigated architects and obtained a few quotes, including one from John Puzo. Mr. Puzo's being the low quote, and those at the meeting respecting his work, it was decided that he would be hired to move ahead.

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Hot Water In Great Bend Boro
By Ted Brewster

Great Bend Borough is inside a large bight of the Susquehanna River. That’s why it’s called Great Bend, after all. Some of the town’s parks, which are on the bank of the river, can expect flooding every Spring. The rest of the town isn’t far out of the flood plain, at the base of some hills that drain into that river. So water has always been an issue in one way or another.

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