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100 Years Ago
From the Desk of the D.A.
The Healthy Geezer
Straight From Starrucca
Veterans’ Corner
What’s Bugging You?
Food For Thought
Earth Talk
Barnes-Kasson Corner

100 Years Ago

CLIFFORD: Our town was kept pretty busy last week on account of the Oregon Medicine Co’s show. In the different contests the 25ct. contest was won by master Stephens. The driving nails contest was won by Mrs. Leander Lee, the bread and milk contest was won by John Bell, although called a tie. The most popular lady contest was won by Mrs. Aldrich, our Clifford stage driver’s wife.

THOMPSON: Our people are praying for rain, the long drought affecting the water supply very materially.

APOLACON: Stephen Purtle, together with a force of men, are engaged in getting out stone for abutments for the new bridge at Bear Swamp.

WATROUS CORNERS, Bridgewater Twp.: The “kid wagon” comes down as far as Lyman Black’s now-a-days, and takes a load to Montrose to school.

SPRINGVILLE: The drouth is very severe in this section. One man has to pasture his horse on the church lot. AND: A. L. Avery is installing a water supply in his home.

DUNDAFF: The ladies of the Episcopal Church held an ice cream social at the Dundaff Rink, Wednesday evening.

MONTROSE: John R. Pierson has purchased a high-wheeled automobile and is learning to pilot it. [It was reported last week, in error, that John’s daughters had purchased it.] AND: We had forgotten that summer is nearly a thing of the past, until Restaurateur Lyons dropped in to tell us that the oyster season would be in full swing commencing next Wednesday. Mr. Lyons is renowned for having the best there is in this line, and his new advertisement today will tell you further of the oyster and the months with the R’s.

LITTLE MEADOWS: Prof. M. L. Allyn has traded his farm here for a house at Dryden, N.Y. He does not expect to occupy it, but is likely to locate in Montrose.

AUBURN: School begins today. The “kid wagon” is again gathering up the children and conveying them to the Auburn High School. AND: A pleasant surprise was sprung upon their many friends by Mr. Fay A. Wilcox and Miss D. Etta Sterling, of Silvara, when they drove to Tunkhannock during the shades of night and took a train for Shickshinny, Pa., where they were married by Rev. A. R. Fisk, pastor of the M. P. Church, Aug. 26. The groom is the only son of Harmon Wilcox, who lives on the old homestead, where the young couple expect to reside at present. The bride is one of the most estimable of Bradford’s fair daughters.

BROOKDALE: We feel like boasting a little of our oldest resident and one of our most highly respected ones. Mrs. Harriet Allen, to whom we refer, is nearly 90 and has spent the greater part of her life in this place and is now making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Jud Tingley. Regardless of her age, she is able to read, write and sew as well as she did at 21.

FOREST CITY: Following the slow times of the past few months Forest City is in line for a boom. The erection of the new breaker at New Buffalo is now nearly completed and when in operation it will employ upwards of 100 men. It is said that this company has secured the coal at Richmondale and if this is true, with their other holdings, they will have a tract that will keep them going for many years. The Williams tract just north of the borough is to be opened up this year. Moffitt Brothers, of Dunmore, who now control a colliery at that place, have secured the lease of this tract and for the past two weeks G. E. Maxey has been superintending the prospecting for an opening. It is probable the breaker will be erected before winter and will give employment to 50 or more men. The Forest City Stone company, which is opening the quarry on the Williams tract, promises that as soon as the switch from the Erie tracks is installed machinery will be placed and we will see an era of industrial activity at that place which will add very much to the business of the borough. Lastly, the new $60,000 washery, which the Hillside company has been building at the Forest City colliery, is now nearing completion and the breaker which has been undergoing extensive repairs will soon be ready to resume operation. With the opening of the fall coal trade the big colliery will again be ready to digest its full share of dusky diamonds.

HERRICK CENTER: Stewart Fletcher is at Deposit, N. Y., where he has entered “Prince M., Jr.,” and “Billy S. C.,” in the big races at that place. Since the opening of the Uniondale race track, several years ago, a number of speedy horses have been developed and horsemen predict these two will show up well.

SOUTH GIBSON: Carl VanAtter is the proud possessor of an automobile, the first one owned by any of our citizens. Mr. VanAtter is the foreman at the creamery here.

RUSH: S. B. McCain is laying a lead pipe from his well on the old school house lot to his residence, which will give him access to running water.

SUSQUEHANNA: Tramps are again busy between Susquehanna and Carbondale. Ger your gun ready.

FRIENDSVILLE: Mrs. Sibylla T. Morris died September 1, 1908, widow of the late John Cox Morris, Captain, Co. H. 143d Penn’a Volunteers, in the 83d year of her age. Six days prior to her death, the men of Co. H gathered at Birchardville for their 15th reunion. Twelve of the original company were present: O. A. Baldwin, Myron Bradshaw, M. B. Perigo, C. L. Lincoln, A. S. Horton, W. H. Deuel, M. D. Baldwin, James Strange, Jeremiah B. Reagan, Stanley B. Warner, Asa Warner, Wm. B. Southwell, of Akron, O.

HARFORD: Harford is in a deep shadow of grief because from our community has suddenly been taken our beloved Ruth. The death of Mrs. Edward E. Jones, wife of Susquehanna county’s Representative, occurred at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Jackson, in Scranton, on Monday. The loving, cheerful spirit which she showed in the community was characteristic in her home, and there is an ache in our hearts for the sorrow-stricken husband, the bereaved father and mother, the brothers, and the dear little motherless babe.

NEWS BRIEF: Count Zeppelin, whose mammoth air ship has broken all records in Germany, is a G. A. R. veteran, and served through the American civil war as a cavalry officer in the army of the Mississippi.

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From the Desk of the D.A.
By District Attorney Jason J. Legg

Several weeks ago, I received a letter from an inmate who is serving his sentence at a state correctional facility regarding eligibility of persons with criminal records to participate in the military. In particular, the inmate suggested that the criminal justice system partner with the different branches of military service in creative ways. For instance, the inmate suggested that the criminal justice system could allow “inmates to voluntarily join the military rather than serve a prison term” or allow “inmates to earn early release by joining the armed forces.” The inmate requested that I address this issue and set forth my beliefs as to whether such a partnership would be appropriate.

First, a disclosure is necessary: I have never served in any of the armed forces. Therefore, I really do not have any detailed knowledge as to the requirements or attributes necessary to serve as a member of the armed services. Given the persons that I know who have voluntarily served or are still serving this country in the armed forces, there are some uniform character traits: commitment, discipline, loyalty, dedication, physical and mental strength – to name just a few. After prosecuting criminal cases for nine years, I can say with some certainty that the “average” criminal defendant generally lacks these attributes. Instead, those convicted of crimes usually have a variety of serious problems including mental health issues, drug and alcohol addictions, anti-social personalities, and anger management problems. These are substantial problems that the criminal justice system and the individual criminal defendant struggle to overcome – and it often takes a substantial amount of time. The Armed Services are not designed to be a rehabilitative retreat for criminals to work out their issues. Thus, the vast majority of criminal defendants are likely not appropriate candidates for military service.

On the other hand, the inmate made an eloquent argument in his correspondence: “I believe that inmates, myself included, are more expendable than a high school graduate who has his whole life ahead of him. Why should he have to risk his life while I sit in prison, watching television and lifting weights? It makes sense to allow inmates to serve their country rather than just time. Particularly in a state which spends over $60,000 per year to incarcerate each inmate. Giving inmates the opportunity to fight for their country would alleviate the financial burden of the prison system while producing self-disciplined soldiers instead of ex-cons with no skills. I understand the punishment aspect of prison, but what better way to make restitution than risking one’s life and limb for the same country whose laws we broke? I, for one, would welcome the opportunity and privilege.”

Would society be better served by giving inmates a chance to earn their freedom and repay their debt to society through military service? In the abstract, this concept fits into the idea of restorative justice – a theory that promotes accountability through community service, not simply incarceration. If the inmate is an appropriate candidate, there is the potential for the military to offer a tremendous opportunity for the inmate to give back to his community in a truly powerful and meaningful manner. Sadly, I suspect appropriate candidates for such service would be rare to find in the state and county correctional facilities. If such a program were to be implemented, there would need to be a careful screening process to assure that deserving inmates were selected for service – not an open door policy where every inmate had the opportunity regardless of the various problems, addictions or mental health issues of the inmate. Any such program, if implemented, would necessarily have to exclude certain offenders – such as violent offenders and sexual predators. Finally, in respecting the rights of crime victims, any proposed program should also allow for victim input in the process. In short, it would require a tremendous effort to forge a partnership between the criminal justice system and the military services to implement such a creative program.

Over the past nine years, I have resolved a handful of criminal cases with the offender’s commitment to enlist in the military in return for the dismissal of the criminal charges. Every case was a young offender with no prior criminal record – and each case required the cooperation of the military recruiter, the court, the offender, the victim, and the police officer. We have also cooperated with military recruiters by releasing defendants from supervision early to allow for their enlistment in the military. These examples, however, are far different from the release of an incarcerated inmate in return for a commitment to military service. If we were to ever consider such a program, it would necessarily have to be a complex process.

Please submit any questions, concerns, or comments to Susquehanna County District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 218, Montrose, Pennsylvania 18801 or at our website or discuss this and all articles at

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The Healthy Geezer
By Fred Cicetti

Q. What is the leading cause of brain injuries?

About 1.4 million people suffer a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) each year in the United States. Half of all TBIs are caused by accidents involving automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians. These accidents are the major cause of TBI in people under age 75.

Falls cause the majority of TBIs in people 75 and older; this group has the highest rates of TBI-related hospitalizations and death.

[A note to older people who suffer a blow to the head: If you are taking a blood thinner such as Coumadin, get immediate attention from a healthcare provider to check for internal bleeding.]

TBIs fall into several categories:

Concussion, which is an injury produced by a violent blow or impact. A concussion is followed by a temporary, sometimes prolonged, loss of function. If you suffer a concussion, you may pass out, feel dazed and may lose vision, balance or memory for awhile after the injury.

Contusion, which is a bruise of the brain. This means there is some bleeding in the brain, causing swelling.

Skull fracture. Sometimes the edges of broken skull bones cut into the brain and cause bleeding or other injury.

Hematoma, which is bleeding in the brain that collects and clots, forming a bump.

Symptoms of a serious head injury may include: headaches, vomiting, nausea, sleepiness, convulsions, dilated pupils, slurred speech, weakness or numbness in the arms or legs, loss of coordination, confusion, agitation, bloody or clear fluids emanating from ears or nose, blurred vision or seeing double, dizziness, respiratory failure, paralysis, slow pulse, ringing in the ears, inappropriate emotional responses, and loss of bowel or bladder control.

Anyone with signs of moderate or severe TBI should receive medical attention as soon as possible. Because little can be done to reverse the initial brain damage caused by trauma, medical personnel try to stabilize an individual with TBI and focus on preventing further injury.

Patients with mild to moderate injuries may receive skull and neck X-rays to check for bone fractures or spinal instability. For moderate to severe cases, tests such as a computerized tomography (CT) or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan are required. Approximately half of severely head-injured patients will need surgery to remove or repair hematomas or contusions.

Moderately to severely injured patients receive rehabilitation that involves individually tailored treatment programs in the areas of physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech/language therapy, physiatry (physical medicine), psychology/psychiatry, and social support.

Treatment and outcome depend on the severity and location of the injury, the patient’s health and age, and the time it took to get the proper medical treatment. Healing of the brain takes time and a lot of rest.

After an injury, about 40 percent of TBI patients suffer from post-concussion syndrome (PCS). Symptoms include headache, vertigo, memory problems, trouble concentrating, sleeping problems, restlessness, irritability, apathy, depression, and anxiety. These symptoms may last for a few weeks after the head injury.

Treatment for PCS may include drugs and therapy.

Many TBI patients have sensory problems, especially problems with vision. Also, TBI patients often have difficulty with hand-eye coordination. Other sensory deficits may include problems with hearing, smell, taste, or touch. Some TBI patients develop tinnitus, a ringing or roaring in the ears. Language and communication problems are common disabilities in TBI patients.

Most TBI patients have emotional or behavioral problems that fit under the broad category of psychiatric health.

In addition to the immediate post-injury complications, other long-term problems can develop after a TBI. These include Parkinson's disease and other motor problems, Alzheimer's disease, and post-traumatic dementia.

If you have a question, please write to

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Straight From Starrucca
By Danielle Williams

No Straight From Starrucca This Week

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Veterans’ Corner

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What’s Bugging You?
By Stuart W. Slocum

Dragonflies: the flying fossils

On any typical sunny summer day it is commonplace to see the graceful, aerobatic antics of numerous dragonflies exploring the edge of a pond, lake or stream. Even though they lack the butterflies’ bright colors, dragonflies compensate with their bold patterns and sleek designs. That, coupled with their amazing feats of flight, make dragonflies truly entrancing to observe. Although physically smaller, dragonflies have remained basically unchanged over eons of time. While the dragonfly order, Odonata, contains both dragonflies and their thinner cousins, damselflies, the focus of this article will be on the larger, more familiar dragonfly members. Despite folklore’s disparaging nicknames like “devil’s darning needle” or “snake doctors,” dragonflies are harmless, yet extremely beneficial insects.

Several types of dragonfly nymphs.

Dragonflies are most always found in the near vicinity of some water source, streams, ponds or lakes. The reason for this association is closely linked to their life cycle, which begins as an egg that is either deposited randomly into the water or meticulously laid on aquatic vegetation. Upon hatching, the larvae, which are usually called either nymphs or naiads, begin crawling among the plants and debris in the water. They are bizarre-looking creatures which possess a large, unique lower lip which can be quickly extended outward as much as a third of the nymph’s body length. The purpose of this is to snag any nearby prey. The larvae are voracious predators, consuming untold numbers of mosquito larvae, as well as other aquatic invertebrates. Some of the larger, mature dragonfly larvae are even capable of capturing and consuming small tadpoles or young fish fry. A unique feature of the nymph is the location of gills inside the rectal chamber. They actually breathe in and out through the anus. An additional effect of this unusual practice is the “jet propulsion” they receive when forcibly expelling water from which the oxygen has been extracted. Depending upon the species and climatic conditions, the time spent in the larval stage can vary from months to years. Unlike many insects, dragonflies do not pupate. Upon full maturity, the nymph climbs to the water surface on vegetation or submerged debris. There it begins to breath in air until it gains enough pressure to split its outer skin. A full-sized, but soft and pale dragonfly emerges. This juvenile dragonfly clings to vegetation until its wings expand and dry. This process lasts about a week. The life span for most adults is approximately a month. The adults must have warm, sunny days in order to function and fly.

An adult Skimmer dragonfly.

Dragonfly adults have a unique role in nature as both prey and predators. As predators they will capture and consume most any suitable prey available. Their primary diet consists mostly of mosquitoes, flies and other small insects. They will also readily prey on swarms of mayflies, caddisflies and gnats. As prey themselves, dragonflies are vulnerable to many birds, lizards, frogs, spiders, fish and even larger dragonflies. Among the many adaptations that dragonflies have to avoid predation is their exceptional visual acuity and amazing flight abilities. Dragonflies can fly forward at speeds up to 100 times their body length per second. They can fly backward at about 3 body-lengths per second and hover stationary in the air for up to a minute.

Lacking any courtship rituals, dragonflies mate in flight. Competition between the males is fierce. In some species the males have the ability to remove rival male sperm from an inseminated female before depositing their own sperm. The males possess a specialized structure at the tip of their abdomen for such a procedure.

Dragonflies are classified based on their behaviors or appearance. The family Libelluidae is made up of the most familiar members called “skimmers.” They are easily recognized by their larger size, flashy colored patterns and lazy flight patterns as they skim along the water’s edge. Their larva develops in still waters rather than flowing streams. The darners, family Aeschnidae, are the largest dragonflies. They have huge eyes that touch at the top of their heads. Their wings are clear and unmarked and their abdomens are long and narrow, like a darning needle. They spend the majority of their time in flight. However, when they do land, they do not perch on top of an object but instead hang vertically from it. They develop in both streams and still waters. The clubtail dragonflies, family Gomphidae, are so named because of the large, thickened tip of their abdomen. They are more dull-colored than other types and spend a good deal of their time perched on the ground near streams. Other, less conspicuous dragonflies include the emeralds, cruisers and spiketails. They are less common and occur in a variety of aquatic habitats.

Dragonflies, particularly the males, are very territorial and will aggressively defend their defined areas from other dragonflies as well as other intruders, including humans. These three-dimensional territories are defended for both feeding and breeding rights. The males defending the area will either select a vantage point perch or continually fly back and forth on patrol. They will aggressively fly at an intruder and perform aerobatic maneuvers in an attempt to drive off the trespasser.

There is so much to be said about dragonflies that it is difficult to sum it up in one short article. Many books and studies have been made of these amazing creatures. Although they appear formidable and aggressive, they are harmless and are one of the most amazing and beneficial insects that we commonly encounter.

Questions, comments and suggestions regarding this article, identifications or any other insect-related matters are welcome. Please email them to

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Food For Thought
By Lauretta L. Clowes DC

No Food For Thought This Week

From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine

No Earth Talk This Week

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Barnes-Kasson Corner
By Cara Sepcoski

Fruits & Veggies Week August 31 – September 6

Barnes-Kasson Hospital is celebrating National Fruits and Veggies Week during August 31 – September 6. We all know that fruits and vegetables are good for you, but did you know that they are critical for promoting a healthy body? Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins, fiber, and minerals that may help protect the human body from chronic diseases. When comparing the diet of someone who doesn’t eat as much fruits to someone who gets the recommended amount, the person who eats the correct amount will most likely have a reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Not only can eating fruits and vegetables help limit your risk of disease, it also can help lead to weight loss. Vegetables and fruit are low in calories, and if they are replaced with fatty foods, you will naturally lose weight, but eating fruits and vegetables on top of what you already eat will make you gain weight. While they may be low in calories, fruits and vegetables still have calories in them. So if someone was to still eat fatty foods, not exercise and add fruits and vegetables, they would gain weight due to the increase in their food intake.

It is encouraged that adults get their recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, but adolescents and children need to as well. It is essential for a healthy diet to eat fruits and veggies during the growing years. Keeping your children on a healthy diet can sometimes be confusing and challenging, especially since most children are not too fond of eating vegetables or fruit. To keep your entire family healthy, try slowly adding fruits and veggies in your family’s diet. Try replacing candy with veggies in your children’s lunch boxes or when you snack at work. To make fruit seem more appealing, try adding it to basic things, like breakfast cereal.

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