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HEADLINES: Safety, Staff At MASD Both the board vice-president and the superintendent were absent from the September 10 Montrose school board meeting, but this did not keep much discussion from being had. Some matters were resolved, at least one other was tabled, and various reports were given. Some of these reports centered around positive happenings at the schools. The board and administration formally recognized the 16 staff members who had perfect attendance (no sick days used) during the 2006-2007 school year. The new well at the Choconut school struck water, and looks like it will be finished and usable in the near future. It is estimated that the new system could process 50-70 gallons per minute, at which rate the school should never run out of water. Both elementary school principals spoke of how well the school year had started, and Mr. McComb commended the Choconut staff for their warm welcome to the many new employees. Mrs. Mordovancey thanked educators for helping to gather and submit a large collection of student art to the Harford Fair this year. Mr. McComb presented to the board something which the Safety Committee had been working on. The members of this committee had wanted to find a way to take the large safety plan and make it more user friendly. The result is a series of flipcharts, personalized by school role – for example educators, staff, and administrators. Through making the charts, he related, they were discovering things which they had not known they were supposed to be doing. Staff should, however, still be familiar with the whole plan, of course. He also discussed the school's role-taking system for fire drills, and the use of learning support aides as runners for this in the coming year. The board received the flipcharts well, with positive comments. Mr. Adams also discussed a new practice at his school. The parking and drop-off situation, about which concern had been expressed in the past, has been altered. The drop-off time for the students has been changed from 7:30 to 7:45 a.m. The children now walk right into the building rather than waiting. He expressed a desire that parents would also drop their children off at the new time, as educators would no longer be on duty at 7:30 to monitor waiting students. The one matter of import which did not get resolved at the meeting involved a request on the part of transportation contractors for additional money from the district. The actual discussion and decision were slated to be taken care of at the upcoming transportation and finance meetings (scheduled back-to-back on the same night). Jim Ainey stood up at the meeting to speak to the board on behalf of the contractors. He gave several statistics, stating, for instance, that fuel had gone up 166% in the last five years. Fuel alone, however, was not as big a concern as the increase in the cost of the buses themselves, or the price of employee salaries. After providing these statistics, he said that the contractors were not being greedy, they simply wanted the extra money in order to operate successfully. The board stated that it would have copies made of the information, and would discuss it at the upcoming meetings. A new volunteer coordinator was hired, despite some controversy over the appointment. The concern was not over the candidate, Ellen DiPhillips, herself, but rather over her current role in the school. Should an educator fill both roles, or would this be a conflict or too time-consuming, some board members wondered. It is, one member stated, a job which requires many hours to fill. Mr. Adams was asked about the matter, as a similar situation is already in place at the Lathrop St. school. He spoke of it as a success, pointing out that this arrangement means that the coordinator is someone who already knows the school, the kids, and what educators are seeking in volunteers. This also means that the coordinator is already on-site, and can better help when needs arise unexpectedly. He stated that there might be a problem were it a regular educator, but both the worker at his school and Ms. DiPhillips are Instructional Support staff, which position gives them a little more flexibility. He did, however, warn that the person filling the position at his school did stay late in order to do the job. In the end Ms. DiPhillips was approved by a majority of the board. The date of the next board meeting was changed, in order to accommodate the board president, for whom work has made timely attendance at recent meetings difficult. For one month only, the meeting will be moved to the first Monday of the month – October 1. A separate change was applied to all future meetings, however, at least for now. Meetings will now start at 7 p.m., rather than 6:30. It is hoped that this might better accommodate board members, as well perhaps as community members and parents who might wish to attend.
Parking Concerns In Susky At the September 11 meeting of the Susquehanna Boro Council, a discussion arose resulting from a letter from an engineering firm on behalf of the Station House Apartments project. The project proposes remodeling of an existing structure at 241 Main St. The request was for an Exemption from Sewage Facilities Planning, which, basically is to ensure that there are adequate hookups for additional units to the system; there are, and the Tri-Boro Municipal Authority has already approved the plan. The existing building is being remodeled, with commercial space on the first floor and six apartments on the upper floors. Documentation in support of the request included an environmental review receipt showing no known impacts, a project site plan, and a capacity availability letter from the Tri-Boro Municipal Authority. Bill Kuiper questioned whether any arrangements had been made by the owners for tenants’ parking. It was his understanding, he said, that by the law the owner would need to ensure that each unit had two designated spots per apartment. “Are they planning on utilizing commercial parking spots for the apartments?” When the plan was first submitted to council, it had been his understanding that a lot behind the building, on Washington St., was going to be used for parking, but instead a new house was put up there. Bill Perry also had concerns about the parking plans (or lack of), and said that council’s approval of the sewer plan would be, in essence, okaying the entire plan; holding off approval of the sewage plan until the next meeting when the parking questions could be answered would only hold up the project for a week or so. Mayor Reddon noted that there are other apartments in the Main St. area; where, she asked, do those people park? The answer is, that while some of those buildings do provide (private) parking spaces, not all of them do. Ron Whitehead appeared impatient with the discussion and the holdup of action to approve the sewage plan. “We have a dilapidated building,” he said. “They are fixing it up. We can sign the agreement, and work with them on the parking issue. Why delay?” He made a motion to approve the plans. John Bronchella seconded the motion; it passed three to two, with president Kelly also voting in favor and Kuiper and Perry voting against. Other business included approval of the bill list. One item, from Simmons Rockwell was withheld for further information. It was for repair to the police car, which had been quoted at $700; the bill came in at $1,100 and the mayor said that she had not been contacted to approve the additional costs. A meeting was scheduled for the following Thursday on the West Main St. sidewalk project; the county Housing Authority, the contractor and engineer were to attend. At the mayor’s request, council approved transferring the remaining budget allocation from a line item for part-time clerical help in the boro office to clerical hours for the police department. The boro’s clerk had resigned and had not been replaced. The mayor requested that the unused allocation be applied to the police department for Officer Watson to work on the department’s paperwork. This would allow the department’s allocation for patrol hours to remain unchanged. After a short discussion, council approved. Approval was given to advertise for truck bids, which will be opened on September 25. The Harvest of the Arts committee will begin setting up on September 28 for their show in the council meeting room; council will need to find another site to hold their meetings during the show’s run. A price quote received from J & J Landscaping for maintenance of the trees on Main St. was tabled until the next meeting. The quote was for mulching and pruning twice a year, $185 each time. Council agreed to discuss it further at their next meeting, which will be on Tuesday, September 25, 7:00 p.m. in the boro building
Blue Ridge Delves Deeper Digitally Two major initiatives introduced at the Blue Ridge School Board meeting on September 10 will bring more computers to more areas in the schools than ever before. High School Principal John Manchester reported the award of a grant of some $162,000 that will place laptop computers in the hands of high-school students under the "Classrooms For the Future" program promoted by the state through the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The Board hired Rich Mackrell as the "Technology Coach" for the program at Blue Ridge, a requirement for a "Classrooms For the Future" grant. The state has made $200 million available to eligible schools over a three-year period. The Blue Ridge award comes in the second year and will cover the remaining two years of the state-subsidized program. It wasn't clear where funding might come from to continue the program after the initial grant money runs out. Under the grant program, the salary of the "coach" is also subsidized. Teachers are expected to take 30 hours of training, some of it on-line. At Blue Ridge, the focus will be to "incorporate technology into daily instruction," primarily in math and English. Mr. Manchester said that the program could "take years to achieve its full potential." The Board itself will begin to participate in the digital revolution over the next few months. Members approved a measure to implement a "Paperless Board Meeting" system. Each Board member will be issued a suitably equipped laptop computer; agendas and supporting paperwork will be made available through the school network as well as over the Internet via e-mail and the school's web site. Board President Alan Hall said that Blue Ridge now runs about a million sheets of paper through its printers and copiers, and Board members have complained about the volume of paper they must sift through in the course of their duties. By digitizing the Board's procedures and operations, some of that load will be relieved, and members hope that the computerized materials will be easier to keep track of and track down when needed. Superintendent Robert McNamara said that the cost of the system would be in the neighborhood of $20,000. Making the Board's issue papers available on-line may be more efficient, but it may not do much to relieve the annoyance some members feel when faced with motions on subjects they haven't had a chance to consider fully. Some were irked by two measures recommended at the meeting that they had barely seen but minutes before. One requested approval of a "Strategic Plan for School Improvement as corrected" that Mr. McNamara said was due to the Department of Education by the end of September. The other would approve an agreement with the Northern Tier Industry Education Consortium (NTIEC). This one would revive a program that Blue Ridge pulled out of some years ago for lack of interest. The idea here is to introduce students to the world of work by actually employing them in local industries, where the program is a cooperative venture between subscribing schools and employers. Here "local" is somewhat broadly defined, because the only firm participating in the old program was Procter & Gamble, in Meshoppen, a long haul for most Blue Ridge students. Mr. McNamara said that NTIEC has a new director who is trying to "re-energize" the program, but Board members weren't buying it immediately. Both items were tabled for the next meeting, which was thereby transformed from a workshop into a business session. Each of the measures waited some minutes for a motion and a second. And on the motion to table the strategic plan recommendation, one member voted "Absolutely!" with the others who assented. Among other routine personnel actions, the Board accepted resignations from Holly Haynes, David Bell as eighth grade basketball coach, and school psychologist Jessica Girts. Doreen Smith was hired to work as alternative education and homebound teacher for the year for up to 25 hours per week. Mary Hull was approved as health room technician in the nurse's office. In addition, the Board approved a recommendation to split the Schedule B position of Junior High soccer coach into a Junior High seventh grade soccer coach, and a Junior High eighth grade soccer coach. Ken Carey was appointed to fill the latter position. The Board also approved a recommendation that will broaden Blue Ridge's relationship with TreHab, the nonprofit social services organization (of which Superintendent McNamara is a Board member). The new program is called Oasis, and hopes to provide extra assistance in academics and socialization to participating students. As an after-school program, Oasis is expected to be operated entirely by TreHab, at no direct cost to the district. TreHab is requesting only space to hold its classes, directed at students in grades 7 through 12. TreHab and Blue Ridge have had a close relationship of many years. Mr. McNamara said that conflicts with some existing programs will have to be worked out, and Oasis may make use of some of the technology available at the school. All TreHab Oasis staff are expected to undergo the same background checks required of other school employees. The school principals will monitor the program closely. Mr. McNamara pronounced the new school year "the smoothest start I've ever seen." Elementary School Principal Matthew Button reported that the new breakfast program has been especially well-received, the bus schedules matching the meal service perfectly. As the newest principal, Mr. Button said that he "couldn't be happier with the staff" in his school. Mr. Manchester told the Board that some 30 juniors and seniors have signed up for three credits or more through the college credit programs offered by Luzerne and Lackawanna Community Colleges. Mr. McNamara told the meeting that state computations would allow Blue Ridge to increase millage up to 6.6% next year. But Mr. Hall quickly noted that he has no intention of raising tax rates; rather, he hopes to cut them as soon as possible. Mr. Hall said that the state is placing more emphasis on grant funding, which could mean that the district might ultimately have to hire someone full-time "just for grant writing." Mr. Hall also said that he expected a "Labor Day" bill to pass the legislature sooner or later. The bill would require all Pennsylvania schools to start the school year no earlier than Labor Day. He said that that might be okay for districts in the southern part of the state, but up here in the snow belt, starting so late could mean pushing the end later into the summer to account for the extra snow days. In any event, he said that Blue Ridge is gradually becoming a "year-round" school, with all of the programs offered during the summer, even if so far the schedule doesn't recognize the summer months in the academic calendar. The next meeting of the Blue Ridge School Board will take place on Monday, September 24, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria in the Elementary School.
Little Meadows Fire Co. Awarded FEMA Grant The U. S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) awarded $1,161,563 in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 and FY 2007 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program to local fire departments in Pennsylvania. Nationally, more than $10.6 million in AFG funds were awarded to organizations throughout FEMA’s operations. When completed, FEMA will ultimately provide over $490 million in FY 2007 AFG awards to fire departments and nonaffiliated emergency medical service organizations throughout the United States and territories. This latest round of FY 2007 fire grant awards include $265,050 to the Little Meadows Volunteer Fire Company for vehicle acquisition.
Courthouse Report DEEDS Philomenia R. Kovaleski to Alfred T. and Kathryn M. Evans, in New Milford Township for $135,000.00. Philomenia R. Kovaleski to Alfred T. and Kathryn M. Evans, in New Milford Township for $20,000.00. Scott Nelson (By POA) to Timothy Robert and Andrew J. Grillo, in Franklin Township for $20,000.00. Gladys C. Bennett to Gladys C. Bennett, in Bridgewater Township for one dollar. Larry W. and Barbara S. Wheeler to David and Sharon P. Shadduck, in Silver Lake Township for $6,500.00. Michael H. Kearns to Michael H. Kearns and Faye J. Wade, in Auburn Township for one dollar. Nick Venturella to Thomas B. and Gina M. Maguire, in Gibson Township for $145,000.00. Stanley F. and Delores Ann Hanlon to Michael P. and Catherine S. Pardoski, in Harford Township for $79,500.00. Donald R. and Carolyn E. Ransom to Donald R. Jr. and Sheri L. Ransom, in Clifford Township for one dollar. Carolyn E. and Donald R. Ransom to Randall S. and Jane M. Ransom, in Clifford Township for one dollar. Charles A. and Elizabeth H. Crasten to John Norman Tice III, in Ararat Township for $0.00. John Allen II and Karen Reno Knapp to John Allen II (TRUST) and Karen Reno (TRUST) Knapp, in New Milford Township for $10.00. John Allen II and Karen Reno Knapp to John Allen II (TRUST) and Karen Reno (TRUST) Knapp, in New Milford Township for $10.00. Mark J. Fehlberg (Estate) to John P. Barbee, in Franklin Township for $100,000.00. William Bordages and Mary Pierson to James E. and Mary E. Lee, in Silver Lake Township for $475,000.00. Kenneth G. and Phyllis A. Reese to Kenneth G. (TRUST) and Phyllis A. (TRUST) Reese, in New Milford Township for one dollar. Delbert S. Fisher (By POA) to Brian Delbert, Scott James and Rodney Todd Fisher, in New Milford Borough for one dollar. Caroline M. Fisher (ESTATE) to Brian Delbert, Scott James and Rodney Todd Fisher, in New Milford Borough for one dollar. Shirley Bennett to Richard D. Walter, in Bridgewater Township for $115,900.00. Thomas A. Rivenburgh, Lisa M. Goerlitz (NBM) and Lisa M. Rivenburgh to Thomas A. Rivenburgh, in Herrick Township for one dollar. Theodore W. Burris to John J. Burris, in New Milford Borough for one dollar. Roseanne T. Glaser to Mark T. and Jean Sanborn, in Forest Lake Township for $119,000.00. Chase Manhattan Mortgage (By POA) to Lou Ann Decker, in Harmony Township for $34,000.00. Herrick Township to Donald R. and Beverly J. Bennett, in Herrick Township for $500.00. Donald R. and Beverly J. Bennett to Herrick Township, in Herrick Township for $500.00. Donald R. and Beverly J. Bennett to Donald R. and Beverly J. Bennett, in Herrick Township for one dollar. Chad E. and Sabrina L. Remay to Rachel Ziegler, in Forest City for $90,000.00. John P. and Cecilia Smith to Leon C. Barbara L. Button, in Great Bend Township for $14,000.00. Willard D. and Deanne G. Carpenter to Martin and Mary Capoferri, in Herrick Township for $88,000.00. Angela M. Wolfe to Joseph M. and Elisa Ann Ledonne, in Hallstead Borough for $98,900.00. Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. (By POA) to Consumer Solutions REO LLC, in Susquehanna for $23,000.00. Consumer Solutions REO LLC (By POA) to Nazah Chahab, in Susquehanna for $23,000.00. Albert J., Jr., Christine A., Joseph A. and Shannon Novak to Thomas and Janet Mather, in Forest Lake Township for $45,000.00. Grace Newberry and Wayne L. and Carol J. Allen to Raymond E. and Laura A. Coolbaugh, in Auburn Township for one dollar. Edward F. and Faithann Townsend to William M. and Kathryn Watkins, in Liberty Township for $120,000.00. Thomas J. and Betty A. Sellitto to Nancy Elizabeth Cosenza and Stanley Owen Schubel, Jr., in Oakland and Susquehanna Townships for $184,900.00. Yuri and Dina Sannikov to Michael Sannikov, in Lanesboro Borough for one dollar. Michael and Mary Clare Rotell to Golden Keystone LLC, in Forest City for $42,000.00. Phyllis I., Phyllis I. (AKA), Harold L. and Angel Palmer to Phyllis I. Palmer, in Bridgewater Township for one dollar. Patricia and Stuart E. Slater to Dennis R. and Sandra L. Babcock, in Harmony Township for $20,000.00. Angela A. Orner to DOCS Home Services, Inc., in Susquehanna for $13,000.00. MARRIAGES Gary C. Gorton and Debra Julie Decker, both of RR 1, Hallstead. George Joseph Dziwak, Jr. and Barbara Louise Smith, both of South Montrose. Mark Christopher Galvin and Jennifer Lynn Ellis, both of RR 1, Springville. Richard Walter Kehrli of Springville and Erica Michele Beggin of Dalton. DIVORCES Brian R. Schmidt of Tunkhannock vs. Nicole L. Schmidt of Nicholson, married 1989. Marsha A. Austin vs. Bryan E. Austin, both of Montrose, married 1993. Nancee A. Heath vs. Douglas R. Heath, both of Susquehanna, married 1998. Marie B. Canfield vs. James R. Canfield, both of Lawton, married 1974. Rodney Thompson of Hallstead vs. Carol A. Thompson of Binghamton, NY, married 2004. Diane Barber of Montrose vs. James Harold Barber of Friendsville, married 1969. Dolores J. Tompkins of Brackney vs. Alan Jay Tompkins of Montrose, married 1987. FEDERAL LIENS Peter W. Hammond of Kingsley, for $17,937.04.
Lanesboro Council Meeting Minutes Following are the August 7, 2007 Lanesboro Council meeting minutes, as submitted. Roll Call : Dan Boughton, Regina Dilello, Myles Limbert, Bob Mireider. Absent – Bill Roberts, Stan Rockwell, Colleen Wilkes. Action on minutes of previous meeting: Accepted with one correction – complaints of ponding water on Barnes Avenue – should be Side Avenue. Codes Report: Shane Lewis submitted a Codes Inspection application for council review. Complaints have been addressed. Unfinished Business Ordering of new police car: Tabled until September meeting. Meeting between Council and B & S Quarries: Tabled until September meeting as B & S has met a snag in building a new road to Rt 171. Update of mine permit application by Herb Kilmer - Tabled until September Mayor's Report Update on realignment work at end of Mountain Road by Harmony Township: sent email to Jim Kilgore notifying him that Bill Roberts or Dan Boughton would be directly arranging a meeting to discuss the realignment. Meeting scheduled for Sunday, August 12, will email council with agenda, advise Don and Fran Arthur time of meeting. Contacted by Joe Schell from Tri-Boro regarding sewer hookup and later, by Stan Lindow on Side Ave. If the pipe is only going to be for Stan, it needs to be four inches in diameter. If the town is interested in having the other houses on the street hook up (the owners have previously stated they were interested), the pipe needs to be six inches. Mayor understands that the cost of the pipe is to be paid by the owners. Maby would like to have the town pay the difference in cost between the four- and six-inch pipe if it is not too late, to allow the Lindows to be hooked up immediately. When the other owners hook up, the cost incurred by the town would be passed on to them. A motion should be made on this topic. Stan's install is done, he bought four-inch pipe, this issue requires no action as it is wrapped-up. Stan Lindow is also paying to have a catch basin installed on his property to eliminate the ponding water that is making it onto Side Ave. Patching of gravel roads has been completed. Account set up with B&S for material, which must be PennDOT approved if Liquid Fuels money is used to pay for it. An account was set up with State Ag in Clifford, with asphalt road pothole patching started on July 19, and completed on August 1. Jim Maby and John Foote are doing the work together (Maby confirmed that the neighboring municipalities also use two workers for patching). If meeting with B&S, would like permission to contact Sandy Major to try and orchestrate a meeting with B&S regarding the repairs to Jefferson St., which were promised in September of 2004 by Mr. Bolles. Council agreed for Mayor Maby to contact Sandy Major. Driveway permit: Need a copy of the deed to the soccer field to get the permit approved. This is needed ASAP. Bill will provide a copy. Tabled, due to absence of Roberts. Windshield in tractor: The cost for a new windshield is $160. The insurance deductible is $250. The windshield is not needed until later this fall – Maby would like permission to order it when appropriate. After discussion, council agreed to the need to purchase a new windshield. Scenic Byway application was approved. Main St, North Main, and Viaduct St. have all been added to the Scenic Byway. Signs will be placed, and a press release will be provided by the state. Additional funding sources for projects along these streets are now available, which are designated only for use along the scenic byways. Maby would like to thank the County Planning Commission, Commissioners, and State Representative Sandy Major in securing the designation. A ceremony will be planned for later this summer. The PennDOT twelve-year plan items (retaining wall on Viaduct St, drainage near Joe's General Store, and sidewalk along Turnpike St.) have all been forwarded. Maby contacted the school and Susquehanna regarding the sidewalk. Both are on board, and Susquehanna will be a cosponsor of the project and sending in duplicate information on their letterhead to increase the chances of getting the project landed. Updates to the Borough Code Book available and should be handed out at the meeting (one for each councilperson, mayor, and an extra). Tabled until September, 2007. Tri-Boro purchased a new pump, eliminating the need for ours. Tri-Boro suggested that we sell ours, as they would use their new one if they had to address something in Lanesboro anyway. After discussion, council tabled until September, 2007. A saturation speed night is going to be attempted to set up with the other local police agencies, preferably on a weekend. If all goes well, a second night will be set up later this year. Official letter about the $64,100 grant has been received, stating that the money will be available by mid-August. The letter asks that an official announcement be delayed, as the state publishes a press release about it. Per the application, the money will be used for a new drainage system at the Viaduct St. end of Depot St., 800' of guiderail from the Depot St. bridge to the top of the hill, paving of Side and Barnes Ave, guiderail along Grand St, and constructing a new 4' concrete sidewalk from Dennis Perry's house to the pumpstation. Prevailing wages may be needed for the paving, dependent upon current pricing for asphalt. We need to hire an engineer to create a design of a typical section of road as part of project. Tabled until September, 2007. Tom Yoniski from Senator Baker's office is coordinating the return of the $20,000 from the once again delayed Jail Hill project. SCHRA has been assured by PennDOT that the project will continue, and that no future local funding will be requested when construction occurs. Soccer league has constructed fence along the property line between the soccer field and Mr. Morris, offset 5' from the property line to allow access for maintenance and mowing. They are also constructing (with donated material and labor) a concession stand and storage building (12'x12'). A permit is not needed (per Shane) for the building, but the State Agricultural Dept will need to be contacted by the soccer league about selling items. Soccer league is also putting a rental port-o'-potty at the soccer field through the end of October. The guiderail and Stop Sign at the end of Grand St were run damaged the night of 7/28 by an unknown driver, and need to be replaced. Maby would like permission to seek pricing on guiderail repairs and a new sign, along with other signs (street and stop) in town that need to be replaced due to damage or just plain missing (stop signs are a MUTCD requirement and an accident that occurs while one is missing could put additional liability on the borough). After discussion, council agreed to purchase needed signs. Plans are finished for the sidewalk project. The only outstanding item is the estimate. Maby would like to pursue funding options that are now available with the scenic byway designation, in addition to developing application for earlier identified sources. After discussion, council tabled until September, 2007. Maby would like to have a port-o-potty placed at the park – he was told by the soccer league they could be rented for $80/month. This would also eliminate park visitors attempting to use the facilities of nearby businesses. After discussion, council asked more questions such as maintenance. More info is needed to finalize. Tabled until September, 2007. The truck and snowplow have been moved from Joe's General Store to a paved parking area at Cleveland's garage. The truck was moved to get it onto a paved surface, and will be left there from hereon unless council wants it placed elsewhere. Provided Dan and Bill a spreadsheet to track garbage volume by household (counting number of cans/bags of garbage). Maby would like it to be tracked over eight weeks’ time, beginning in August. Perhaps each councilman could take a week. This would provide data to determine how best to develop a fair billing procedure in the 2008 budget. After discussion, council agreed it was a good idea. Informed by Shane Lewis that Labor & Industry will be performing an audit of permits, ADA access issues, etc in Lanesboro on or around August 15. Visitors voiced a complaint about the Depot Street close. They requested a Detour sign be erected as some do not realize the road is closed. Business is being interrupted. Further – open end of Depot St needs to be addressed – drainage problems, road not wide enough for two vehicles. What happens when new quarry owner wants to run stone vehicles over the road? Council to address. New Business: Request for tire pickup date. Will be coordinated with landfill.
Commissioners Approve Watershed Agreement All Commissioners were present at their September 12 meeting. They approved to sign the agreement for Phase I of the Watershed Stormwater Management Plan grant that is being applied for by the county.Phase I involves the preservation and restoration of flood-carrying abilities of the waterways. Phase II will be the adoption of a plan for the county. They need to show the scope of the plan and the cost required. Motion approved to proclaim September 22 as "Youth Field Day" in the county. The event is at Harford Fairgrounds from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. This is free to boys and girls, offering outdoor skills in hunting, trapping, and shooting with accompaniment by an adult. Contact Bob Tiffany to pre-register for the event, including lunch, at 278-1638. Public comment started with Annette Rogers from Montrose Borough reporting about the parking lot behind the county Extension Building, being finished and ready for use by Friday or Monday. The county is reimbursing the borough $10,000 for partial costs and free use of it by county employees. Bill Burchell from New Milford and RESCUE, environmental group, spoke of the continuing struggle with B & S Quarries and their gravel operation in New Milford that is affecting about 100 homes. Bill stated that B & S is violating DEP regulations by having two small quarry permits and operating on over 40 acres, and is producing over the limit of 10,000 tons per year. Bill asked the commissioners to seriously look into this matter that is affecting the local residents. "Look at the mess across from Blue Ridge High School and Lanesboro. B & S disregards mining regulations. Do you care?” He cited loss of quality of life. “Why have our community destroyed? Is this the future you want for our county? Ask DEP to enforce their regulations and ask for studies." He spoke passionately and with emotion, and choked up halfway through his words. Fred Ehmann of New Milford and RESCUE also implored the Commissioners to contact the DEP with their concerns. He thanked Senator Madigan for contacting DEP with their concerns. Fred emphasized the need for environmental and economic studies, which are required by federal law, to accompany the B & S application for expanding their operation. Studies are needed for impact on watersheds, flooding, traffic, loss in value of homes and quality of life. Commissioner Warren has expressed her concerns to the DEP. Commissioner Kelly felt this is a "local issue" and felt their job was to help facilitate the proper discussions with the proper individuals. She expressed that the bluestone industry is bringing much capital and jobs to the county and are an asset. Commissioner Loomis wants to read RESCUE's material and hear both sides, and make a commitment later about how to approach the DEP with concerns. John Hoffman brought up again the need for protocol to safeguard our election process. Commissioner Kelly referred him to Sylvia Baker, head of the Election Board for clarification. Hoffman is concerned about a number of irregularities during the last election, the primary in May. Jim Jennings asked about the conditions of our 30 plus bridges. Jim wanted to know if they are all structurally sound and their rating. Five are rated as structurally deficient. One was washed out and replaced, and the others are not in danger of falling down. Jim asked about the jail wells. Recently, $9,000 was invested in the wells. Commissioner Loomis says there are no problems with well # 1. It is working well now and providing clear, clean water to the inmates.
Following is the list of names drawn to serve as Petit and Traverse jurors, to appear in the Court of Common Pleas, Susquehanna Courthouse, on the first day of October, at 9:00 a.m. Apolacon Twp.: Teresa E. Thorne, Gerald R. Thorne. Ararat Twp.: Mary C. Motsko, Donna Passetti, Keith Sandford. Auburn Twp.: Michelle Hitchcock, Dorothy Teetsel. Bridgewater Twp.: Julie Fraser, Betty J. Reynolds, Carol Rogers, Dale Stone. Brooklyn Twp.: Nelson K. Jesse. Clifford Twp.: Thomas Barrows, Misty R. Bennett, Joe Bennett, Jerome Calafut, Lori Maskovsky. Dimock Twp.: Louise M. Baker, Karin E. Dorman, Susan M. Roos, Joseph C. Schneider. Forest Lake Twp.: Larry E. Birchard, Gordon Day Clark, Lawrence Micks, Debra A. Smith. Gibson Twp.: Eric R. Anderson, James Konsur. Great Bend Twp.: Joseph Bennett, Darlene M. Lewis. Hallstead Boro: Roy Clapper, Rose Marie Smith, Phil L. Tompkins. Harford Twp.: James Shuster. Herrick Twp.: Mary Reeder, Annette Sandy. Jackson Twp.: Arnold C. Button, Donald G. Cavanaugh, William C. Chamberlain, Nicholas Cicon, Helen S. Longacre. Lanesboro Boro: Kevin Mead, William Roberts, Andrew Wesolowski. Lathrop Twp.: Christopher Colombo, Doreen Walters. Lenox Twp.: Timothy P. Frenchko, Stella Marie Jerauld, Matthew D. Marcy. Middletown Twp.: Marbeth A. Celotti. Montrose Boro 1W: Phyllis Nichols. Montrose Boro 2W: Patricia A. Day. New Milford Twp.: Anthony Canute, Edward Dietzel, Fawn Forsyth, James R. Purdum, James Warren. Oakland Boro: Tracey M. Dibble, John R. Klym. Oakland Twp.: Debbi J. Fisk. Rush Twp.: Ray M. Ellinger, Judy A. Holmes, Dominick Lofaro. Silver Lake Twp.: Gordon G. Eggleston, Mary Lou Fahs, Gary L. Henry, Martin D. Millard. Springville Twp.: Maggie Caines, Jeff L. Noble. Susquehanna Boro 1W: Barbara S. Larsen. Thompson Twp.: Andrew Hubal. Union Dale Boro: Patrick P. Foster.
Gibson Barracks Report MV CRASH An accident occurred on I81 Southbound near MM 208 in Lenox Township, on September 12 at around 2:11 a.m. The incident began as Ajay Clark of Harrisburg, PA was illegally parked along the road. Clark was asleep in the sleeper birth of his truck when Timothy Latniak of Scranton exited off the west berm of the road and struck the trailer of Clark's truck. Both people involved were transported to CMC in Scranton for treatment. THEFT OF A MOTOR VEHICLE Between the 10th and 11th of September an unknown person stole a Caterpillar 416 backhoe from the old skating rink parking lot on SR 11 in New Milford. The vehicle belonged to Ronald Kowalewski of that town. BURGLARY Between the 10th and 11th of September, one ore more unknown person(s) broke into the Town restaurant in Susquehanna by means of smashing a window in the kitchen door. After removing approximately $85, the perpetrator(s) fled. ATTEMPTED BURGLARY Between September 9 and 10, unknown person(s) attempted to break into the home of Amy Travis in Oakland Borough, by prying open a kitchen window. The perpetrator(s) then fled without entering the home. SCATTERING RUBBISH On September 10, at around 7:15 p.m., Robert Hornish of Susquehanna is accused of having dumped demolition debris along Buckley Rd. in Harmony Township. Hornish has been cited for Scattering Rubbish. THEFT Pearl Benson of Susquehanna Borough reported the theft of a vehicle from in front of her residence on West Main Street. The vehicle in question is a green 1996 4-door Saturn sedan with PA Reg. #GSC1896. BURGLARY It has been reported that during the night of September 5 the American Legion, located on New York Avenue in Hallstead, was broken into. 1 CAR ROLL OVER On September 7, Craig Mohr of Emmaus was driving South on I81 when he lost control of his vehicle. The vehicle traveled into the median, struck a guide rail, and rolled over several times before coming to a final uncontrolled rest. Mohr was ejected from the vehicle, received several injuries, and was transported to CMC in Scranton for treatment. COLLISION-TRAFFIC On September 5 Christopher Rockwell of Susquehanna was traveling Southbound on SR 171 in Lanesboro Borough when his motorcycle exited the roadway while attempting to negotiate a left curve. The motorcycle traveled onto the shoulder, overturned, and came to a final rest partly upon the Southbound travel lanes. Rockwell is reported to have suffered moderate injuries and was transported to Barnes Kasson Hospital. BURGLARY On September 8 the residence of Jeremy Krall in Oakland Borough was entered, and several items were removed. 1 CAR CRASH On September 8 Dan Trivett was traveling North on SR267 when he lost control of his truck and entered the Southbound lane, before leaving the roadway entirely. The truck then proceeded approximately 240 feet down the side of the road and struck a telephone pole and two Penn dot signs before traveling back across both travel lanes and coming to a final uncontrolled rest off the East side of the Northbound Lane. No fire or EMS responded, and no known tow was needed. THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE On August 30 one or more people went onto the property of Angelo Petriello on SR 11 in Hallstead and drove off in a dark green Toyota Camry. The vehicle had no registration plate. ACCIDENT On August 30 Francine Fink and Victoria Fink, both of Manorville, NY were traveling North on SR81 when their vehicle went off the roadway and onto the median. The sedan rolled several times before coming to rest on its roof on the left lane of SR 81 Southbound. Both girls were wearing their seatbelts; one was not injured and the other sustained minor injury. DUI CRASH On September 1, at around 1:30 a.m., a vehicle driven by Sandra Swackhamer-Newman left the roadway and struck a large stump on SR 29 in Franklin Twp. Swackhamer-Newman was arrested for DUI. Charges are pending BAC results. MOTORCYCLE CRASH On September 3 Jeffery Moore of Hop Bottom was driving a 2006 Harley Davidson V Rod West on SR2024. While attempting to pass another vehicle on a curve, Moore's bike left the roadway and traveled approximately 350 feet before re-entering the road and sliding across it on its side, ending up in a ditch. Moore was wearing a helmet and leather, and was transported to Wilson Hospital. THEFT Between August 19 and September 1, approximately 30 locust fence posts were removed from the property of Dennis Bunnell in Jessup Twp. The posts were valued at approximately $150.
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