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The Other Side Of The Coin

I just finished reading the article in the local County Transcript about the DEP coming to listen to all, about large quarries, at the Blue Ridge High School.

Firstly, I believe that the laws should be followed. I also think they need to be changed, if they are found to be unfair. Many bluestone businesses pride themselves on following regulations and being the safest in the natural stone industry. More people are killed in bridge collapses than in our entire industry. We need gravel quarries to rebuild bridges and other infrastructure. Bluestone has been used and shipped from this part of the country for over 100 years. I don't think quarry operations of bluestone should be regulated the same way as coal mines. So I belong to the PA and NY State Bluestone Associations, to protect the livelihood of a lot of men and women in our region. The quarrying of bluestone has been going on here for 160 years. The recently-done impact study shows that it's the major source of income for our area, $280,000,000 per year. These are hard working people, and they have a constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Imagine what our already depressed economy of this county would be like without this industry.

Quarrying does not produce anything other than what mother earth already has there. We do not produce garbage, chemical or nuclear waste. There is never long-term damage, not anything like a flood or a weather event. That's why it's still pretty here. Mother nature settles and regrows. The reclaimed quarries are not noticed, because they blend in again. RESCUE needs to focus on all the illegal dumping in this area that is hurting our land. The oil companies that want to move in, and all the people they are getting to sign up.

People have the right to live where they wish, but before they move into an area to retire, they should research what the area is about. If you don't like farming, don't move to a community that does that. If you’re a vegetarian, don't move to an area that produces steers for meat. If you don't like hunting, don't live in the country. If you don't like coal mining, don't move to a community that's built around that. And if you don't like bluestone quarries, don't move to Susquehanna County. That's how we make our living. (Barre, Vermont and Elberton, GA are the same, and take pride in quarrying.) People need to not punish others when their expectations and assumptions of a retirement in a fairy-tale type town in the country, faces the reality of what it's always been. People that have lived here for generations are happy here, people that are new to the area want to change everyone and everything to fit into their ideal. That's not fair to the hardworking people here. We aren't retired. Most of us probably never will be. We work till we die. We won't have time to move into someone else's area and sit back on our bankroll and SS and tell other people, “Sorry, your making a living is irritating me, I think I'll change everything. I'll kick up a fuss and bring any government organization I can down on you people, I'll destroy your way of life, I'll take away your jobs. I'll clear this place out! When you're all gone I'll have what I want – a quiet place in the country. My own ghost town.”


Donna Coleman

New Milford, PA

Expressing Appreciation

The 150th Harford Fair celebration is now a memory, but those who volunteered, worked, supported or attended will never be forgotten. The Harford Agricultural Society extends its sincere gratitude to everyone who helped in any way to make this once-in-a-lifetime celebration a wonderful event. Thanks to all of you who attended the fair and were able to enjoy your time there. Mark your calendars for August 18-23, the dates of the 2008 fair. Planning has already begun and we welcome your comments and suggestions which can be emailed to hfair@nep.net.


The Harford Agricultural Society

Ballroom Rescheduled

The WVIA Ballroom telethon scheduled for last Saturday, September 8, was rescheduled for Saturday, September 15 because of the Penn State/Notre Dame game on September 8. The show will be televised with live and pre-recorded dancing from 7-8:30 on public channel 44. Support ballroom dancing by pledging on September 15.


Sheri Wolfe

Susquehanna, PA

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