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Burn Ban Declared

The Susquehanna County Board of Commissioners, in cooperation with the county fire chiefs and the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry, District 11, have issued a resolution for a temporary ban on open burning in Susquehanna County from 12:01 p.m. Saturday, April 21 to 11:59 a.m. Sunday, May 20.

Open burning is defined as the burning of any combustible material, such as garbage, leaves, grass, twigs, litter, paper, vegetative matter from clearing land or any sort of debris, either in a burn barrel or on the ground. Controlled burning by fire departments is allowed under this resolution. Fire department personnel and apparatus must be at the site of the burn. Propane grills, gas stoves, charcoal briquette grills and the use of tobacco in any form is not covered under this act.

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Mt. View: Repeal Act 1
By Mark Crimmins-Murdock

While not exactly "the shot heard 'round the world" of the earlier American Revolution, the Mountain View School Board did send a very similar message to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania regarding the unfairness of the Act 1 tax reform measure, and the need to re-visit changing the property tax. At the April 9Mountain View School Board meeting the Board members present acted upon the resolution urging the repeal of Act 1. The vote was unanimous in favor.

The resolution, titled, "A Resolution Urging the Repeal of Act 1 & Enactment of True Property Tax Reform," came originally from the Tunkhannock School District, according to Board President James Zick. Severe language in the resolution states, "The Pennsylvania Legislature is unable to carry out its Constitutional responsibilities and is crippling school districts and property owners through its inaction on true property tax reform." The resolution further claims that Act 1 does not provide true tax reform and lists the faults of Act 1. These include "disproportionate rebates" which would be distributed in a "discriminatory manner" and are not "distributed equitably within or among school districts… favoring major cities over the balance of the state".

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