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Help Wanted
HELP WANTED: Position available full- or part-time to coordinate safety program. Experience not necessary. Reading and comprehension of safety guidelines a must. Call (570) 727–2077, weekdays 7–3. (F1-TF) WANTED: five pieces of rough sawn barn beams – 6” x 8” x 12’ long (or more); barn planks – any sizes. Must be good quality. Call Barry at 1-516-527-0759. (A5-TF) HELP WANTED: Porosky Lumber is currently hiring lumber handlers for the sawmill with the possibility of advancement available through in-house training. Competitive wage, health insurance, paid vacation, paid holidays. Apply at the office located at 1903 Crosstown Hwy., Preston Park, PA. (J7-TF) HELP WANTED: John’s Sawmill is looking for a lumber stacker. Apply at the office on East Lake Road, New Milford. (2T-A16) HELP WANTED: Part-time kitchen help, bartender, and waitress needed. Please call (570) 727–3265. (2T-A16) HELP WANTED: Administrative assistant/secretary part-time for 25 hour work week. Must be computer literate, people friendly, and able to multi-task. Please submit résumé to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 60 Church St., Montrose, PA 18801. References are required. (A23)
FOR RENT: Auburn Township, single house, 4 bedrooms, large yard. $500 net + utilities, security. No pets. (570) 585–7148. (A23) FOR RENT: Nicholson apartment. Convenient, but country. Four rooms. Heat, appliances, rugs included. References, security. 942–6504, leave message. (2T-A23)
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