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The Blue Ridge School Board business meeting on March 13 was a fairly routine event as such things go. An unusual number of observers were present (about 13), many of them interested in the board's plans for transportation next year. Bus contractors had been given a preliminary rundown last month. There wasn't much discussion this time, but the board did approve "preliminary Micro Bus contracts" with Sally and Dennis Lewis, Dean Lewis and Sam Cosmello that will allow them to purchase the small buses – four of them – as Blue Ridge downsizes its transportation fleet to match declining enrollment.
Hallstead Hears From Ambulance Hallstead Boro Council met on March 16 with a number of guests present. Mayor Canfield and council members Ted Loomis and James Gillespie were absent; all others were present, as was secretary Cindy Gillespie. Most of the guests present were representatives of the Great Bend-Hallstead Ambulance. President Tony Conarton gave council copies of a booklet that had been prepared, listing the company’s accomplishments over the past year, and outlining some of their future goals. Paramount, as always, they are in need of volunteers. A First Responder class is scheduled to begin April 10 in Montrose; a minimum enrollment number is needed. Anyone who might be interested should call 879-2026 or 879-2709.
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