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Help Wanted
HELP WANTED: The Susquehanna County Commissioners are accepting applications for Occupation Clerk in the Assessment Office. This is a Union position, $8.32/hr, 37.5 hours per week. Complete job description is available in the Chief Clerk’s Office in the Susquehanna County Courthouse. (2T-A31) HELP WANTED: Full- or part-time Vet Tech needed. Must be dependable and responsible. Benefits and paid vacation available for full-time employees. Please call (570) 727–3458. (2T-A31) HELP WANTED: Live-in CareGiver. Provide around the clock (24 hour shifts) non-medical companionship and homemaker services to elderly. CareGivers America, 1-877-561-4663. (3T-A31) VENDORS WANTED: October 22, Susquehanna Methodist Church, 9-4. Interested crafters call the Monday Club, Jane Colwell, 756-2131 or Barb Gallagher, 756-2726. (S7)
FOR SALE: Roll-top desk, dresser with light-up mirror. Mirror has shelves. Best offer. Call (570) 853–0901. (S7)
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