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Letters to the Editor Policy

Worth Repeating

Following is an article an avid County Transcript reader found among her mother’s things after she had passed away which is well worth repeating. Here it is:

I include a piece from a 1932 almanac entitled “Buy From Your Hometown Merchant.”

He helps pay the taxes.

He helps build the schools.

He helps educate your children.

He helps support the churches.

He helps support the lodges.

He helps support all community enterprises.

He helps build and maintain good roads.

He aids families through sickness or other misfortune by giving them credit.

He sells legitimate merchandise at fair prices and gives honest weight measure or gauge.

He is a local citizen and interested in your community.

He renders a service you can’t get at chain stores.

Trade where your dollars will come back to you.

You can bank on your hometown merchant.

Because he banks in your hometown bank.

Not Willing To Castigate

I am writing in response to last weeks letter from Fred B. Baker, II.

It appears the political rhetoric of telling half truths is not limited to Washington, D.C. Mr. Baker left me with the impression that Commissioner Warren was off playing golf and having a grand old time, being a "part-time" Commissioner. The truth is that Commissioner Warren was asked in February by the MACC golf tournament Chairman if she would volunteer to be on the committee for their annual golf tournament as Commissioner Warren had organized previous tournaments for the County Chamber of Commerce for years. I assume MaryAnn thought that volunteering her time and experience to help organize and photograph the tournament for the Montrose Area Chamber would be a great service to the community. The fact that the tournament and the Commissioners’ meeting fell on the same day was an oversight by Commissioner Warren which led to her first absence of a Commissioners’ meeting. The other Commissioners were also aware that Commissioner Warren would be missing the next meeting as she will be attending a PACD meeting in Erie, PA. You can't be two places at once.

Commissioner Warren is involved in many community organizations and has always donated her time to their activities. I'd be interested in knowing the reasons the other two Commissioners have missed meetings and also their commitment to organizations in the County. I believe MaryAnn’s commitment to the taxpayers of Susquehanna County is genuine, whether spent behind her desk or out in the community.

To my knowledge, the Salt Springs State Park issue was NOT on the agenda, and therefore could not be tabled, but was brought up during public comment. For someone not willing to castigate the committee who procured this work, and without knowing the facts, you didn't give Commissioner Warren the same benefit of the doubt.


John P. Hoffman

New Milford, PA

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