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Oakland boro Council met for their regular meeting on May 12 with almost a full house; very few audience seats were left empty. All council members were present with the exception of Leon Dubanowitz and Chad Crawford, and Mayor Art Towner.
Matis Is New Susky Pres. With vice president Mike Matis presiding and all members present, the Susquehanna Boro Council met for their regular meeting on May 10. Secretary Judy Collins reported that information has been released to the press for the scrap metal pickup scheduled for June 4, from 8 a.m. to noon. Information for the Hometown Days fishing derby has been posted on the boro website. And, she read a letter from John Bry, the new Eastern Services Coordinator for the PA Downtown Center, with whom a meeting was tentatively set for May 13. The SCDA has also been invited to attend the meeting. This site is on a subscription only basis. The Obit and Classified pages have open access. You will need to be a paid subscriber to have complete access to the entire Susquehanna County Transcript website. Thank you for visiting!
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