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EVENTS, PROGRAMS, HAPPENINGS, SEMINARS: November 17 & 18 AARP SAFE DRIVER CLASS, Wednesday, November 17 and Thursday, November 18, 1 p.m. at the Pump ‘n’ Pantry Training Center, New Milford. Reservations required, call 465–7375. November 17 SPAGHETTI DINNER, Wednesday, November 17, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome. CAREGIVER FRIENDS meeting, Wednesday, November 17, 1 p.m. at the Montrose Theater. Meetings open to caregivers and loved ones of long-term care facility residents. Call the Area Agency on Aging for info, 1-800-982-4346. November 18 SCCD ANNUAL BANQUET, Thursday, November 18, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Montrose Bible Conference. For reservations, call the Susquehanna County Conservation District, 278–4600, ext. 280. SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT AREA Historical Society meeting, Thursday, November 18, 7 p.m. in the Susquehanna Boro building. Last meeting until February. All are welcome. TURKEY PARTY, Thursday, November 18, 7:30 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville. Free admission. Refreshments. All are welcome. PIZZA NIGHT, Thursday, November 18, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome. RAIL-TRAIL monthly meeting, Thursday, November 18, at Frank’s Place, Simpson. Dinner available at 6 p.m., meeting to follow at 7 p.m. For info call 785-7245. All are welcome. November 19 LAGOONED, a comedy, presented by the Windsor High School Senior Class, Friday, November 19, 8:00 p.m. All seating reserved, call (607) 655–8250 for info. SPAGHETTI SUPPER, Friday, November 19, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Hallstead–Great Bend Rod & Gun Club, Dubois St., Hallstead. All are welcome. CALLIGRAPHER’S GUILD of NE PA meeting, Friday, November 19, 7:30 p.m. at Marywood University Visual Arts Center, room 203. For info call 287–2485. All are welcome. DINNER & SALAD BAR, Friday, November 19, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome. TURKEY RAFFLE, Friday, November 19, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Susquehanna Fire Station. Door prizes, refreshments. All are welcome. COUNTRY GOSPEL CONCERT, presented by C.F. Gleason, Friday, November 19, 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Community Church. For info call 879-4506. All are welcome. November 20 TRAIN & TOY SHOW, Saturday, November 20, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Montrose High School. Lunch available. Proceeds benefit the Montrose H.S. Band. For info call 663–2859. All are welcome. BOTTLE DRIVE, Saturday, November 20, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Montrose High School. Donations of clean beverage cans and plastic or glass bottles accepted. Sponsored by the Montrose H.S. Band. All are welcome. ARTISANS’ MARKETPLACE, Saturday, November 20, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Waverly Community House, Waverly. For info call 586–8191. All are welcome. FAMILY STYLE BREAKFAST, Saturday, November 20, 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the Springville United Methodist Church. All you can eat! All are welcome. November 21 SUNDAY BREAKFAST, November 21, 8 a.m. to noon at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome. ALL YOU CAN EAT breakfast, Sunday, November 21, 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the United Fire Hall, Montrose. All are welcome. November 22 PIE SALE at the Lanesboro Community Church; order deadline is November 22. Pickup will be Wednesday, November 24, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the church. For info or to order call 853–3007 or 853–3449. November 23 WING NIGHT, Tuesday, November 23, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome. November 25 & 26 COURTHOUSE CLOSING: the Susquehanna County Courthouse, Montrose will be closed Thursday, November 25 and Friday, November 26 in observance of Thanksgiving. November 26 THE CLOTHES CLOSET at Thompson United Methodist Church will be closed on Friday, November 26. Regular hours are Fridays, 10 a.m. to noon. For info call 727-2341. November 27 RIGATONI DINNER, Saturday, November 27, 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at St. John’s Parish Hall. Proceeds benefit parish hall new kitchen project. All are welcome. November 30 WING NIGHT, Tuesday, November 30, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome.
Monday, November 22: chicken Marsala, long grain rice, orange juice, baby carrots, country honey bread, pears. Tuesday, November 23; breaded cod filet, cabbage salad, baked beans, hamburg bun, peaches, graham crackers. Wednesday, November 24: Swedish meatball with noodles, French style string beans, rye bread, pineapple tidbits. Thursday, November 25: centers closed; Thanksgiving holiday. Friday, November 26: Centers closed.
Building Codes For Municipalities Workshop Two workshops will be held to address state legislation that enforces a modern, uniform construction code. The first will take place on Thursday, October 28 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at Penn College of Technology, Route 6, Wellsboro, PA. The second workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 10, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Susquehanna County Office Building, 31 Public Avenue, in Montrose, PA. This legislation, called the Legislative Act 45, encourages municipalities to enforce local building codes. Presenters include Mitch Hoffman and Harry Krot from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. They will provide an update regarding the rules and regulations for building code enforcement and will review funding for the program. There is no registration fee for individuals or organizations located in Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga or Wyoming Counties. The registration deadline for the October 28 workshop in Wellsboro is October 26 and November 8 for the November 10 workshop in Montrose. To register and for more information, please call the Northern Tier Regional Planning and Development Commission toll free at 888-868-8800.
Health Fair At Blue Ridge High The sixth annual Susquehanna County Health Fair will be held in conjunction with the PTO Holiday Bazaar and Craft Show at Blue Ridge High School on November 20, from 10:00 AM through 1:00 PM. Mr. Harvey's eighth grade class held a poster contest, which was won by Amber Hadlick of Blue Ridge Middle School. She received a $25 prize, which was awarded by Barbara McNamara, school nurse. All posters submitted were excellent and will be displayed on the day of the event. Barbara McNamara, school nurse, presents the cash prize to Amber Hadlick, poster contest winner. Once again a wide variety of health screenings and information will be offered to the public at no charge. These include but are not limited to: Bone Density, Tetanus Shots and Blood Pressure for adults. Blood Sugar, PSA, Glaucoma, Cholesterol and Hearing tests. All offerings are on a first come fist served basis and some will require appointments, which must be made on the day of the event. The Stat Medevac #15 Helicopter will also be there, weather and availability permitting. Health care providers, government agencies and many area businesses will be on hand offering information on a variety of topics. If you have limited or no health insurance coverage, this is an opportunity that shouldn't be missed. Come alone or bring your friends and family for a healthy outing. If you are interested in being a sponsor for the health fair or a participant, please call Grace Magill at 278-3277.
Children's Book Week At County Libraries The Susquehanna County Library will celebrate Children's Book Week from November 15-20. Stop by your local library (Forest City, Hallstead-Great Bend, Montrose, or Susquehanna) for free bookmarks, packs of colored pencils, and posters to color! The posters have intricate, beautiful designs that teens and adults will enjoy also. There's a variety to choose from, including dragons, trains, rainforest, unicorns, a candy store, carousel horses, and more. All ages are encouraged to pick up a poster between November 15 and 20, color it, and bring it back by December 20. Posters will be displayed at the libraries, and visitors will be encouraged to vote for their favorites in each age category. At the Montrose library, children can enter two contests to win either a Barnes and Noble gift certificate or admission to the movie "A Series of Unfortunate Events." Forms are available in the Children's Room. Make every week Children's Book Week by regularly visiting your library and sharing the joy of reading with your family. It's the gift that lasts a lifetime!
Good News Lunch For Senior Citizens On Saturday, September 18, the Good News Lunch, sponsored by the churches of New Milford, will host a free luncheon for senior citizens and their friends at St. Marks Episcopal Church, Main St., beginning at Noon. The host for the hot luncheon will be St. Johns R. C. Church. "We look forward to greeting our guests and treating them with a meal of chicken and biscuits," reports Lorraine James, who is coordinating the event. "The number of guests has grown over the summer," she added, "and we look forward to welcoming them to this hot lunch as we enter our second year of serving our senior citizens." The Good News Lunch is a joint, community-wide undertaking of the First Baptist Church, St. Johns R. C. Church, St. Marks Episcopal Church, and the United Methodist Church. St. Marks Church will host the Good News Lunch for October on Saturday, October 16. The annual Thanksgiving Dinner is scheduled for Sunday, November 21.
An Open House for Marie Saam (Nana) celebrating her 95th birthday will be held at the Susquehanna American Legion Post 86 on November 21, from 3 to 5 p.m. No gifts, please. All are welcome to come and help her celebrate.
Good News Lunch For Senior Citizens On Saturday, October 16, the second year of free lunches for area senior citizens and their friends will be held at St. Marks Parish Hall in New Milford beginning at 12 Noon. A hot meal of ham and noodle casserole, mixed salad with mandarin oranges and poppy seed dressing, and apple cake highlight the menu. St. Marks Episcopal Church will host the luncheon. A team from Barnes Kasson Hospital will be available to the seniors for free health screening. The Good News Lunch is a joint, community-wide undertaking of the First Baptist Church, St. Johns R. C. Church, St. Marks Episcopal Church, and the United Methodist Church. The annual Thanksgiving Dinner is scheduled for Sunday, November 21, 5:30 p.m., at St. Marks Parish Hall. A special holiday luncheon is planned for Saturday, December 18. Joan Flint of St. Marks Episcopal Church and Joan Kerr of St. Johns R. C. Church have been elected as co-chairs of the Good News Lunch Coordinating Committee.
Annual Meeting And Farm City Feast As in the past Penn State Cooperative Extension in Susquehanna County will hold their annual meeting in conjunction with the 38th annual Farm City Feast. The meeting will be held on Saturday, November 20, 6:30 p.m. at the Mountain View High School Auditorium. Any resident of Susquehanna County who has an interest or stake in the work of Cooperative Extension is welcome to attend this meeting.
The 38th Annual Farm City Feast will be held at 7:30 p.m., November 20 at the Mountain View High School. Farm City Feast was established to continue the important connection between farm people and city people to create bonds of friendship and get a first hand look at each others way of life. The Pennsylvania Farm-City Program was created in 1955 to bridge the communication gaps between our rural and urban neighbors. Without farms, cities would have no food. Without cities, farmers would have no markets and processing facilities for their products. The link between our farms and urban dwellers is vital to economic opportunity and progress throughout the state. The program not only includes a delicious meal but special awards, door prizes, and fabulous entertainment. This years entertainment features Don and Gail James. Don and Gail live in Meshoppen and have a love for music, photography and travel. They enjoy photographing the natural wonders of Gods creation and present programs of slides and music. They especially search out and enjoy photographing. You will enjoy listening to Don sing hymns and patriotic songs as he projects the slides they have taken you will also enjoy joining in on any of the songs that you know. If you require special needs or would like to purchase tickets to this fun-filled event, call the Penn State Cooperative Extension Office at 278-1158.
All are welcome to join the Holiday Gala Open House at the Community Foundation Building, 36 Lake Avenue, Montrose, PA, on December 4 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. The Friends of Susquehanna County will be hosting this final fund-raiser of the year for the Community Foundation of Susquehanna County, which supports the United Way of Susquehanna County. There will be refreshments, entertainment, silent auction and an opportunity to share with others this magical time of the year. "Thanks to the generous contributions by area businesses we have many items for our silent auction. Get a head start on your holiday shopping and feel good about your purchases while making a contribution that will benefit the area we live in," stated Nancy Hinkley, chairman of the Friends of Susquehanna County. For more information contact Alice, at (570) 756–2044.
December 17 is the end of the United Way Campaign for Susquehanna County. If you have been putting off filling out the contribution form in the newspapers or filling out the insert that you received, now is the time. The Charities of Susquehanna County, that are in part funded by the United Way, need your commitment now. Consider a tax deductible contribution today, to United Way of Susquehanna County, 36 Lake Ave., Montrose, PA 18801. "Make this a gift to yourself, feeling good that you are helping so many charitable programs, that make such a big difference in the lives of people that live around us. If we make no effort to take care of our own county, who will?", stated Alice Deutsch, chairman of the board of directors.
Story Hours At N Wayne Library Northern Wayne Community Library hosts two preschool story hours, November 12 and 19 from 10-11 a.m. Programs will include Veterans Day craft, Thanksgiving bulletin board, stories and snacks for children ages 0-5. Join the fun! Program is free of charge. Call (570) 798-2444 to register your child.
New Milford Churches Host Senior Dinner The annual Thanksgiving Dinner for Senior Citizens in the New Milford area will be held on Sunday, November 21, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Main St., New Milford, at 5:30 p.m. The festive holiday dinner is a part of the Good News Lunch program and precedes the community-wide Thanksgiving Service, which will be held at the United Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m. The Good News Lunch (GNL) is a joint, community-wide outreach of the First Baptist Church, St. John’s RC Church, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, and the United Methodist Church. Established two years ago, the GNL program brings together the four New Milford congregations. The main function of the GNL is to prepare a free meal for senior citizens and their guests on the third Saturday of each month. “We have been preparing for the Thanksgiving Dinner for sometime,” reports Albert Maholick, a parishioner of St. John’s RC Church and a member of the GNL coordinating committee. “Representatives from the four congregations met and planned the menu and then accepted responsibility for various parts. A traditional dinner is planned this year – turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, squash, coleslaw, a fresh veggie platter, rolls and, of course, pies. And, this year we are pleased that 10 young confirmands from the Methodist Church will help serve dinner to our guests.” Last year the dinner welcomed over 100 guests and the planners are anticipating more this year. “Ten turkeys have been contributed,” said Anita Benedict of St. John’s. “We are planning for 130 guests and that means we will be peeling about 36 pounds of potatoes!” “Only one thing is out of our control,” reports Doris Hollister of First Baptist. “Will Pastor Riley brew his special hot cider? I guess we will have to wait until November 21 to find out.”
Seniors Urged to Take Active Role The B/S/S/T Area Agency on Aging PrimeTime Health program will provide a free program on You and Your Physician: Partners in Health Care, on December 2, at the Great Bend Senior Community Center, Franklin and Maple Sts., at 12:15 p.m. This free program, presented by Sue Silva, RN, staff of the AAA, is designed to help older adults take a more active role in their health care. It demonstrates how to develop better communication with one’s doctor(s), and shows what to do before, during and after a doctor’s visit. Registration is not required. However, if you would like to eat lunch at the Senior Community Center, call the center manager at least one day in advance, at 879-2896. Senior Community Centers in Susquehanna County are operated by Barnes-Kasson Senior Services through a contract with the Area Agency on Aging.
Sen. Madigan Schedules Constituent Outreaches
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