HELP WANTED: Looking for a few good men. Stone yard needs stackers, loader operators, table saw cutters. Call 7272352. (2T-J9) HELP WANTED: Part-time animal caretaker needed. Dependable and responsible persons need only apply. Please call (570) 7273458. (2T-J16) HELP WANTED: Video King in Susquehanna is now hiring. Days, nights, weekends are a must. Pick up an application at the store. (J16) FOR GOOD JOBS in Mehoopany. We offer competitive wages, permanent full-time, benefit packages available. Come join our team! For more information, please contact Defender Services, (570) 8330345. EOE. (3T-J16)
PROTECT YOUR KIDS, PETS: For a limited time, ID "Dog" Tags can be yours for only $2 each or 3 for $5.00. You write it; well make it. Call Lou Parrillo, 8533835. (TF) FOR SALE: John Deere 210 Garden Tractor. 48" mowing deck, snow blower, plow, extra set of wheels with chains, all manuals. Runs great. $1,500.00. (570) 853-9058. (2T-J9) DOG GROOMING or clipping, $25.00. Full service for medium size dog. (570) 7563341. (4T-J9) MOVING/YARD SALE: Tools, radial and table saws, upright freezer, household items and dishes, books, etc. Riding mower, available July. Box 91 at Fiddle Lake on SR 2046 between 171 and Gelatt. Follow signs. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 17, 18 and 19, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. No early birds. (J16) GUNS FOR SALE: Ruger 77-22H (Hornet), scope, 100+ rounds of ammo, good condition, $375.00. Mossberg 500, full camo, sling, 2 barrels, rifled and turkey, fiber optic sights, ammo, with sabots, shot twice, $400.00. 7562067. (2T-J16) FOR SALE: 1990 mobile home. Asking $7,500. Call (570) 2780985. (4T-J16) FOR SALE: 12 x 65 mobile home. Two bedrooms, stove, refrigerator. Good condition. $3,200. Harford. (570) 4342495. Leave message. (2T-J16)
APARTMENT FOR RENT: Rte. 92, Jackson. $500/Month, includes utilities. (570) 7563341. (2T-J9)
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