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HEADLINES: Lanesboro Church Thanks
Rev. Batzel Come and worship at the Lanesboro Community Church as the congregation thanks Reverend Carl Batzels 25 years of ordained ministry in Pastorial Service. Worship service is November 25, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. at the church. All are welcome to join in this wonderful celebration. Winning Women ministry is sponsoring a Ladies Christmas Tea on Wednesday afternoon, December 5, at Montrose Bible Conference Dreyer Lodge, 5 Locust St., Montrose, PA. All ladies are invited to attend for a time of encouragement and friendship. The program of music and devotional message is planned for 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.; baby-sitting is available. A potpourri of Christmas music, including selections on the hand bells, violin, vocal specials, and group singing of Christmas carols will surely bring the Christmas spirit to everyone. Debbie Mills, of Montrose will lead the devotional time on the topic "Unseen Gifts Theyre Priceless." Light refreshments will be served. There is a charge. Reservations may be made by contacting Montrose Bible Conference at 5 Locust St., Montrose, PA 18801, (800) 598-5030. Healing Mass At Holy Name Of Mary A Healing Mass and Service will be held at Holy Name of Mary on Wednesday, November 28, 7:00 p.m. Father John Kulavich, former pastor of St. Lawrence in Great Bend and now in Bentley Creek, will be celebrant and homilist. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will also be celebrated after Mass by Fr. Jim. Invite friends and relatives to attend. Lutherans Investigate Local Mission Church Lutherans in Northeast PA are meeting to discuss the establishment of a Lutheran Church in the Great Bend/Hallstead area. Fourteen people met on November 3 and agreed that a Lutheran Church in this area would be a blessing. A second planning meeting will be held on December 1, at 4 p.m., at the Hallstead United Methodist Church. All are welcome to attend this important meeting. For more information call Pastor Bode, 289-4468 or Victor Peckenschneider, 879-5154.
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